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Anti aging | eat enough a day, economic health, you can also

Health sometimes is not great wisdom, but the life of small details. The most common food, if can insist to eat, the effect is also extraordinary. Wang Guowei, vice President of the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, pointed out that eating three walnuts, four longans and five red dates every day is good for the body.

Three walnuts strengthen the brain and nourish the lungs.

"Walnuts are very valuable medicinally."Wang Guowei said the child eat walnut brain; Young and middle-aged, office workers pressure, eat some walnuts can relieve brain fatigue, reduce pressure; Walnuts can fight aging in the elderly.

Professor Hong Zhaoguang, the chief health consultant of the Ministry of Health, said walnuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, which are effective in preventing atherosclerosis. Also, walnut contains zinc, manganese, chromium, and other essential trace elements of the human body, chromium has the function of promoting cholesterol metabolism and protecting cardiovascular, hyperlipidemia patients and obese people can eat.

Who is not fit to eat walnuts?

  1. The burning and diarrhea of people avoid eating walnuts.
  2. People with three high symptoms should eat fewer walnuts.

Four longans appetizers and soothes.

Longan, also known as longan, is a precious nourishing and strengthening agent. Wang Guowei said that longan nature warm taste sweet, invigorate the heart and spleen, appetite, blood invigorate the spleen, the effect of soothing the heart and calming the mind. Traditional Chinese medicine can be used for the treatment of heart and spleen deficiency, deficiency of qi and blood caused by insomnia, forgetfulness, fright, vertigo, and other diseases. People tend to get sleepy in spring, so eating a few longans can alleviate some of the fatigue.

"I recommend longan many times in health books."'Longan is rich in nutrients such as vitamin A and B vitamins, which are of great benefit to those who have to work hard,' Mr. Hong said.

Who is not fit to eat longan?

  1. Patients with fever such as cold, cough with phlegm, inflame, etc., those with heavy body moisture and indigestion should not eat longan.
  2. Longan should not be eaten by people with skin diseases or asthma with fever.
  3. Pregnant women, diabetics, and gout patients should not eat longan. Especially patients with gout should avoid eating longan together with seafood.

Five red dates nourish qi and blood.

Jujube is the first of the five fruits, its rich nutritional value has always been highly praised. Wang Guo-Wei said, from the perspective of Traditional Chinese medicine, jujube can strengthen the spleen and invigorate Qi, nourish blood and calm the mind. Chinese medicine believes that qi is a function, while blood is a substance. Jujube can double replenish qi and blood, which is rare in Traditional Chinese medicine, so its medicinal value is very high. Fresh jujube is especially high in vitamin C, 8-17 times as much as citrus, and more than 50 times as much as apple. Therefore, red jujube is known as a natural vitamin pill in the field of nutrition. Traditional Chinese medicine is mainly dried jujube, although dried jujube vitamin C content is slightly lower than fresh jujube, but because it contains a variety of other nutrients, especially high iron content, for women iron tonic blood is very good.

Which people are not suitable to eat red dates?

  1. Red dates should not be eaten by children, women during menstruation (women with excessive menstrual volume and edema during menstruation), patients with stomach diseases (especially those with gastric acid and acid reflux), people with cough and phlegm, abdominal distension, patients with diabetes, habitual constipation, as well as people with renal dysfunction and patients with uremia.
  2. Warm tips: People who like to eat Onions, cucumbers, radishes, seafood, and liver of animals should avoid eating dates at the same time, otherwise it may cause poisoning.

"Eating three, four, or five portions a day is good for health and good for persistence."Wang Guowei finally said: "I know a man who eats like this all the year-round for 20 years. Now he looks much younger than his peers. You might as well start today."


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