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Cancer | If you have these 3 symptoms, be wary of breast cancer

In daily life, breast cancer is a common gynecological disease, it seriously affects women's life and health, and also threatens life safety. In fact, the effect of early detection and treatment of breast cancer is very good, the reason why many people eventually develop into the middle and late stages, the keyword is "procrastination." Gynecological diseases dragged out, breast hyperplasia left unchecked, etc. may lead to breast cancer. Therefore, "breast cancer" is mostly dragged out. If there are these 3 "phenomena" in the initial stage, seek medical treatment in time!

1. Pain and stiffness in the armpits

Generally, we all know that once cancer appears, there will be pain, and the place where it appears is not the same, so in many cases, it will appear first in the armpit, and the area will generally be small, and the outside will not feel so soft. Of course, the skin is not There will be changes, and with the severity of the disease, the area will continue to gather, leading to a life-threatening situation.

2. Swollen lymph nodes

When breast cancer appears, the body will send out signals. Although the early symptoms are not obvious, it is necessary to pay attention to certain abnormal manifestations. It is understood that in the early stages of breast cancer, patients may have swollen lymph nodes. Especially in the unilateral armpit with breast cancer, there may be obvious signs of lymph node enlargement, and these lymph nodes may also be attached to each other. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the reasons for these abnormal manifestations and to improve them reasonably. If they are related to the lesions of the breast, they should also be treated in time to prevent the deterioration of breast cancer.

3. Orange peel-like skin changes

When breast cancer comes, there will be many obvious physical changes in the breast skin of the human body, mainly because the tumor invades the surrounding tissues, resulting in skin depression. When the cancer cells block the lymphatic vessels, the skin on the chest will show orange peel-like changes, that is, like orange peel, there will be many small dot-like depressions.

To prevent breast cancer, you must change your unhealthy lifestyle: 

whether the lifestyle is correct or not will directly affect people’s health, sitting for a long time without exercising, lack of exercise, little exposure to sunlight, or wearing for a long time Underwear and wearing underwear too tight, etc., these factors are related to breast disease. Avoiding these bad lifestyles as much as possible can prevent the occurrence of breast cancer.


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