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Childhood obesity | Obesity diet guidelines

For children suffering from obesity, even if they are overweight, they should exercise more and not control their diet too strictly. For obese children, what foods to eat can not only supplement all the nutrients needed for physical development but also inhibit the occurrence of obesity? Experts point out that children with obesity can eat the following foods:


Apples are a good helper for healthy weight loss. If you want to lose weight, hunger strikes are too drastic. You can use apples wisely. Eat with the skin as much as possible, 2-3 a day, because apple skin is rich in dietary fiber.


What is good for children with obesity? In addition to nutrients, hot peppers also contain capsaicin, which can promote lipid metabolism and inhibit fat accumulation in the body, and proper eating can help lose weight. Therefore, pepper is also one of the treatments of foods for obesity in children.

Winter melon:

Winter melon contains fewer calories than other vegetables. It also helps to promote the body's metabolism and has a strong weight loss effect.


What is good for children with obesity? Experts said that cucumber contains glycolic acid, which helps to inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates in various foods into fat in the body. Obese people should eat more cucumbers, which can be fruity and reduce fat, and the effect of weight loss is very good. Children with obesity can eat a cucumber to lose weight.

Mung bean sprouts: 

Experts pointed out that mung bean sprouts contain more water and produce less heat after being absorbed by the body, and are less likely to form fat accumulation under the skin.

White radish: 

White radish contains enzymes that can help digestion and mustard oil that can increase appetite. After eating, it can promote the digestion of fatty substances and better metabolism, to avoid the accumulation of fat under the skin.


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