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Diabetes prevention is better than cure!

November 14 is the United Nations Diabetes Day. This year's theme is "Diabetes Education and Prevention" and the slogan is "Protecting our future".Diabetes is a recognized enemy of health. Long-term hyperglycemia will damage multiple organs throughout the body, leading to dysfunction or failure, such as myocardial infarction (coronary heart disease), stroke, blindness, renal failure, etc. At present, our country has become the country with the largest number of diabetes patients in the world, with the total number of patients approaching 100 million and the prevalence rate as high as 9.7%. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of diabetes are of great urgency.

People with pre-diabetes - not to be ignored.

Looking at the course of disease development of patients with diabetes, to improve the quality of life and longer life expectancy, the significance of diabetes prevention is far more than treatment. Nearly 100 million people in other countries have been diagnosed with diabetes, while the undiagnosed number of "pre-diabetes patients" has reached 150 million. Focusing only on people with the disease doesn't really accomplish that.

Patients with pre-diabetes are not those who have not been found yet, but those who have abnormal blood sugar or have symptoms of impaired glucose tolerance but do not meet the diagnostic criteria for diabetes. The concept of pre-diabetes was put forward to allow more people to find the disease early. The final result of pre-diabetes and diabetes to people "lead to the same destination", will lead to the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, mortality is higher than the normal 2-4 times. Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in patients with diabetes usually start 10-20 years before the formal diagnosis of diabetes.Pre-diabetes.If the formal treatment starts from the diagnosis of diabetes, it may already be in the middle and lower reaches of the disease. Despite the best efforts, the effect may be relatively poor. It is better to prevent diabetes and its related "three high" as early as possible, to minimize the damage the disease brings to life.

Fasting glucose standards alone are not enough.

Since early detection of diabetes is important, so is early detection. Is it early if the blood sugar has already gone up, or is it early if it's just starting to go up? Most people with type 2 diabetes have no obvious symptoms in the early stage and it is important to screen patients with pre-diabetes (also known as impaired glucose regulation). The gold standard for the diagnosis of diabetes is the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT).

Most people have done fasting blood glucose examination in physical examination. According to the Guidelines on Diabetes in another country, the fasting blood glucose level of normal people should be less than 6.1mol/L, and many people can rest assured that the fasting blood glucose level is normal. In fact, the blood glucose level fluctuates. When fasting blood glucose is measured at different times, the results are likely to be different. More importantly, a healthy fasting blood glucose level does not mean a healthy postprandial blood glucose level."The standard blood glucose level 2 hours after a meal (from the first bite) is 7.8mmol /L. Many patients have normal fasting blood glucose at each test, but the post-meal blood glucose level is high."In addition to fasting blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin is another important indicator in the clinical examination of diabetes, which can reflect the overall situation of patients' blood glucose control within 2-3 months. Hemoglobin a1C below 6.3 percent is considered normal, but it is actually over 5.3 percent and any of the three high levels should be tested for oral glucose tolerance.

At present, many physical examination institutions have fasting blood glucose examination items but do not routinely check postprandial blood glucose and glycaemic hemoglobin, only check to fast blood glucose may miss nearly half of the patients with diabetes and pre-diabetes. Results would be more accurate and comprehensive if increased postprandial blood glucose or even glycosylated hemoglobin tests were performed.

People at high risk: Don't wait to see a doctor for symptoms.

With the deepening of health education in recent years, many people pay more attention to their health and have a stronger awareness of diabetes. Many patients found that the physical symptoms of the active visit, such as recent thirst obvious, love tears, easy fatigue, the number of urination increased or his family said he lost weight...It is essential to check for these early signs, but more than half of diabetics have no symptoms even when their blood sugar is quite high. A lot of people get very sick by the time they show symptoms. We call for screening based on risk factors rather than just symptoms. If there is one or more than one case should be regular screening for diabetes: older than 40 years, and have a family history of diabetes, high blood pressure, blood pressure is 140/90 mmHg or higher), obesity (BMI greater than or equal to 24 kg / ㎡), always women with gestational diabetes mellitus, or childbirth after more than 4 kg of infant birth weight, heart cerebrovascular disease, blood lipid disorders (LDL cholesterol > 3.2 tendencies for L, triglycerides tendency > 2.0 L), etc.


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