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Obesity | Diet exercise is useless? How to lose weight in severe obesity?


Many people secretly classify heights. A few years ago, there was ridicule calling men whose height is less than 1.7 meters "height disability". Obesity is an attribute that is more vulnerable in addition to height. The "big fat people" and "fat homes" in many populations are not enough to reflect the specific situation of obesity. There is a formula for measuring obesity internationally, and the body mass index (BMI) is used to determine which level of obesity belongs to. The formula is the weight (kg) divided by the square of height (m).

A BMI of 18.5-23.99 belongs to the normal weight defined by the medical profession, 24-28 is overweight, 28-32 is obese, and greater than 32 is severely obese. Generally, women's BMI between 21-28 will have the idea of ​​losing weight, and people who are really obese don't dare to call weight loss easily, because weight loss is not an easy task for them.

The increase in health awareness has led to more and more people to realize that obesity brings many harms. Although it is not like malignant tumors and certain intractable diseases that can cause sudden death, the impact of obesity on the cardiovascular system is very bad. of. Besides, obesity can also cause abnormal glucose metabolism, which is the culprit of type 2 diabetes. Physically, it will also increase the load on the joints, making it difficult for obese people to exercise and weakening their immunity. If obesity is left unchecked, when it gets worse, the function of the whole body will be disordered, and finally, a series of metabolic syndrome will be caused, which will also threaten life.

In the past, the BMI of obese people was more concentrated between 28-32. Through conventional interventions, most of them can lose weight by establishing healthy living habits. Nowadays, people are busy working and eating irregularly. Fat friends with BMI greater than 32 are more and more common. It is not that they don’t like sports. Their spare time, including exercise time, is squeezed to the limit. Besides, the severely obese group is equivalent to carrying 50 or 60 carries more meat than others in exercising, making exercise more difficult. It is difficult to persist in the long run.

Weight loss not suitable for severely obese people

Many obese people know that fat comes from their mouths. It is not ideal for obese people who have been severely obese for a long time to adopt diet and exercise methods. Severely obese people have abnormal secretion of gastrointestinal hormones, and eating less can cause a strong sense of hunger. For people with severe obesity, the main function of exercise is to keep the body healthy and reduce the load on the organs. Measured by the exercise intensity that such obese people can withstand, they don’t consume much fat and can only lose weight. Continue to rise.

Why is it difficult for people with severe obesity to lose weight? In addition to the factors mentioned above, they have often tried a variety of ways to lose weight, their basal metabolism has been reduced a lot, and the chances of regaining weight are much greater than those of overweight and obese.

There are also popular pharmacological methods such as acupuncture, weight loss pills, cupping, etc., which are slow to work and even harmful to the body. Especially for weight-loss drugs, orlistat, the only legal weight-loss drug, only reduces energy intake by draining oil, which causes great damage to the gastrointestinal tract and cannot be used for a long time.

For obese people with a variety of obesity complications, the only quick and effective way to lose weight is bariatric surgery. In addition to the common gastric resection, bariatric surgery also includes gastric bypass surgery, as well as improved surgical procedures based on gastric resection. According to different physical conditions, different surgical procedures are adopted.

Bariatric surgery fundamentally reduces the amount of food intake, reduces hunger, and changes the secretion of gastrointestinal hormones. Bariatric surgery can lose 60%-80% of excess body weight. It is not as unscientific as other weight loss methods that promise to lose the most pounds. The final weight loss effect depends on the obese person’s own diet and exercise habits. Any weight-loss method cannot be done once and for all, and it is inseparable from scientific and healthy diet and exercise.


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