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Hypertension | Do not take medicine, these 8 methods to let blood pressure drop

People's blood pressure is constantly changing, and so are people with high blood pressure. So when exactly is blood pressure likely to rise during the 24 hours a day? Are there any other ways to control elevated blood pressure besides relying on antihypertensive drugs?

Which time blood pressure rises easily?

Between 6am and 10am is the time of day when blood pressure is at its highest. During this time, people's blood pressure rises from relatively low levels for a short time to relatively high levels. Most people reach the peak of their blood pressure throughout the day. Therefore, the most important thing to control your blood pressure is to control your morning blood pressure.

In addition to taking blood pressure medications to lower your blood pressure, here are 8 ways to control your blood pressure without drugs:

1. Lose excess weight and watch your waistline.

Many people have high blood pressure caused by obesity, which means that blood pressure increases with weight gain, and being overweight can also lead to sleep apnea (sleep apnea), which further raises blood pressure and keeps it high in a vicious cycle.

So, losing weight is one of the most effective ways for obese people to control their blood pressure. If overweight or obese people lose less weight, there is a significant drop in blood pressure. In general, for every kilogram of body weight lost, blood pressure can be reduced by about 1mmHg.

And keep an eye on your waist size. People with an obese belly are at higher risk for high blood pressure. Men with a waist circumference of more than 90cm and women with a waist circumference of more than 80cm are considered abdominally obese.

2. Exercise regularly.

It is recommended that people with hypertension take regular exercise. By setting a standard, such as 150 minutes of exercise a week or about 30 minutes most days of the week, regular exercise can help reduce blood pressure by about 5 to 8mmHg.Make sure you stick to regular exercise because if you stop, your blood pressure will rise again.

Exercise can help us avoid high blood pressure if we are at a high blood pressure stage. In people who already have high blood pressure, regular physical activity can lower blood pressure to safer levels.

Lower blood pressure exercise Do aerobic exercise whenever possible, including walking, jogging, biking, swimming, or dancing. You can also try high-intensity interval training and strength training, which can also help lower blood pressure, but these exercises should be done in moderation.

3. Eat healthily.

If controlling your diet can also lower your blood pressure, try a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products that can lower your blood pressure by 11mmHg.This diet plan is called the Hypertensive Diet.

4. Reduce sodium in your diet.

A diet high in sodium can lead to high blood pressure, and if your blood pressure is high, make sure you limit your salt intake. Some medical studies have also shown that reducing salt intake in normal people during daily life can prevent hypertension, and limiting salt intake in people with hypertension can also improve the treatment effect of hypertension.

5. Quit smoking and limit alcohol.

Drinking alcohol can raise blood pressure, and the more you drink, the more your blood pressure rises. Cigarettes raise your blood pressure within minutes of being inhaled. Quitting smoking not only helps restore blood pressure, but it also reduces the risk of heart disease and improves overall health.

6. Get enough sleep.

Getting too little sleep can also raise blood pressure. To keep your blood pressure normal, take regular breaks, and don't stay up late.

7. Reduce stress.

While it's not clear how much stress affects blood pressure, long-term stress does affect blood pressure. Especially in life like to use overeating, drinking, smoking way to relieve pressure, then these bad living habits will inevitably lead to high blood pressure.

8. Monitor your blood pressure at home and see your doctor regularly.

Buying a blood pressure monitor and having it monitored at home can help pay close attention to changes in blood pressure. If abnormal changes in blood pressure are found, you can seek medical treatment in time.


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