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Diabetes | Eat candy to be able to get diabetes more?causes of diabetes?

There are two types of urine disease, and we always talk about type 2 diabetes. At present, there are mainly several predisposing factors of type 2 diabetes:

1. Genetic factors.

A lot of people think that type 1 diabetes is hereditary, but actually, type 2 diabetes is more heritable. People with a family history of diabetes need to take extra care.

2. Obesity.

Obesity is a major single risk factor for diabetes and is associated with the distribution of body fat. Central obesity, also known as large bellies, is most associated with diabetes. And the correlation was stronger for men than for women. In other words, men with larger waistlines and larger bellies are the most dangerous signs of diabetes.

3. High-fat diet.

There's a lot of research on this, and it's basically clear that high fat intake, especially high saturated fat intake, significantly increases the risk of diabetes.

4. Move less.

Exercise is a great way to increase insulin sensitivity, which is to make insulin less, but more effective. Conversely, a sedentary lifestyle with less physical activity reduces insulin sensitivity. Exercise is very effective for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, especially the exercise that can consume a lot of muscle glycogen, such as high-intensity aerobic and anaerobic mixed exercise, rapid cycling, high-speed sprint, high-intensity aerobics, etc., are the best results.

It's not that low-intensity aerobic exercise doesn't work, it's just that low-intensity aerobic exercise needs to be sustained for a longer period of time to achieve the effect of increasing insulin sensitivity.

5. Certain trace elements are deficient.

Lack of chromium, zinc, selenium, etc. may be related to the onset of diabetes, especially chromium. It is well known that chromium is a sensitizer for insulin, and chromium is needed for insulin to function. Whole grains, fish, and shellfish are high in chromium. If you don't eat enough of these foods, consider using dietary supplements.

6. Others.

By the way, studies have found that newborns who weigh less than 2 kilograms are significantly more likely to develop diabetes in adulthood, presumably because their mothers don't eat enough protein during pregnancy.

So, to say that diabetes is a result of eating sugar is problematic because it emphasizes the sugar load and ignores other factors that contribute to diabetes. Of course, that doesn't mean you can eat any sugar without worrying about diabetes. This is just to say that sugar stimulation is not necessarily a single direct predisposing factor for diabetes. But continued excessive intake of simple sugar may lead to obesity, which may indirectly cause diabetes.

Of course, it would be easy to find several studies that have found a positive correlation between added sugar intake and the incidence of type 2 diabetes. But some studies can prove that the two are unrelated. Individual studies do not tell the tale.

And it depends on quality. Currently, few high-quality studies are examining the relationship between added dietary sugars alone and type 2 diabetes, and a good systematic evaluation is lacking. So it's too early to say what the relationship is between added dietary sugars and type 2 diabetes. The same is true of food and Health: Scientific Evidence and Consensus, published by the Chinese Nutrition Society in 2016.

Even at the very least, the association between sugary drinks and type 2 diabetes only "increases the risk of developing the disease," not that sugary drinks will cause it to develop.


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