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Anti aging | Eat eggs to delay aging, rich in selenium

I'm sure many of you have only heard of eggs, which are rich in nutrients and provide a daily supplement. But a lot of people don't get the benefits of eating eggs that slow down aging.

Why is that?

Mainly because the eggs were not eaten right. Different varieties of eggs may lead to different functions. Selenium-rich eggs are rich in selenium, which is an antioxidant in the body. It can prevent and inhibit the development of certain tumors by inhibiting the gene image of antioxidant damage.

At the same time, free radicals can be removed from the body, which is one of the main causes of cell damage and aging.

So eating selenium-rich eggs can delay aging.

Under normal physiological conditions, the body's oxidation and the anti-oxidation system will maintain a dynamic balance between the generation and removal of free radicals. But when the body is exposed to harmful stimuli, the stable system of free radicals breaks down. If too many free radicals are produced, they will cause damage to cells, and then free radicals are harmful substances in the body. Excessive free radicals will cause some highly active molecules and lipid peroxidation, which simply means that the cells and the DNA inside the cells will be damaged, which will lead to the aging of the human body and some related diseases.

Selenium in selenium-rich eggs helps the body clear free radicals so that cells can grow better. I'm sure you've all seen some of the most well-maintained stars, and their fifties are a far cry from their parents' fifties. Why? Because they know how to scavenge free radicals, which our parents don't know very well. The nutritional value of eggs is highly recognized by parents, so selenium-rich eggs are a national product. It can make parents healthier and delay aging.

With the growth of age, people's body incidence will gradually increase, that selenium has anti-cancer, inhibit tumor cells, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other functions. So it is necessary to eat selenium-rich eggs daily.


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