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Diabetes|Foot care for diabetics

One of the problems with diabetes is that when there is a wound on the body, it doesn't heal easily. If this wound occurs on the foot and is not treated in time, the wound becomes infected or expands, it is diabetic foot. In most cases, diabetic foot is formed in this way. Of course, there are other conditions, such as toe vascular embolism, which are relatively easy to find due to the severity of the disease.

What happens if diabetic foot forms and is not treated effectively?

The obvious thing to think about is amputation, making life difficult. In fact, due to the patient makes every effort to save the limb, long-term deferment not infected necrotic tissue constantly release toxins, seriously affecting the heart, liver and kidney function, leading to these organs function failure, such as urine protein increased, insufficient liver albumin synthesis and cardiac function, and sudden death, such as can not get proper treatment, patients can survive an average of about 2 years. Therefore, diabetic foot patients should be the timely and appropriate treatment of the diabetic foot.

Once a foot infection is found, it may not develop to the severity of diabetic foot and, more importantly, prevent foot infection.

Hot summer, although the weather is hot, easy to infection, due to the frequent cleaning and barefoot, convenient inspection, problems are also easy to find, some small punctures with local medicine, quickly heal. In winter, although wearing socks and shoes every day, the chance of being injured decreases, but the socks, shoes, and even the feet themselves, can cause damage to the feet, but also because of wearing socks and shoes, patients more neglect the important lesson every day - foot examination.

Why is that?

This is because the vast majority of diabetes patients' foot sweat glands are invaded, the original sweaty feet people no longer sweat in winter, the skin is dry, very easy to crack; The foot is the farthest away from the heart, and blood flow is the worst. In diabetes, peripheral circulation is the most vulnerable to damage, leading to blood supply disorders of the skin; At the same time, the nerve fibers that control the sweat glands and skin are damaged, showing a variety of sensory decline of the feet, such as the decrease of the sensation of cold and heat, which is easy to lead to frostbite and scalding, and the decline of tactile function, which is not perceived by the wear of uneven parts in shoes and wrinkles in socks. A longer time may lead to injury. The combination of reduced foot resistance, toenails susceptible to fungal infections, abnormal growth of toenails, and possible compression and damage of skin tissue on the edges of toenails puts diabetic patients' feet at risk.

To avoid these risks, the most fundamental thing is not to develop diabetes or to adhere to good blood sugar control for a long time. In reality, in the way to reduce the risk of diabetic foot in winter, the main thing is to take good care of your feet.

The first step is foot washing. 

Since the patient may have problems with the temperature perception of the foot and cannot correctly perceive the temperature, the water temperature should be sensed by the hand first. To prevent burns, the water temperature used for foot washing should be warm water. If warm water is required for foot physical therapy to improve blood circulation to the feet and promote nerve and skin repair, a thermometer is recommended to control the water temperature. The water temperature should be 38 ~ 42℃, 5 ~ 10℃ higher than the normal skin temperature. It is ok to use clear water, such as with some traditional Chinese medicine bubble feet, pay attention to after bubble with clean water, lest solute fine residue causes friction injury after wearing shoes and socks. After washing feet each time, the water on the feet should be sucked dry with a dry soft cloth towel, cannot forget the toe bottom and toe seam.

The second is a pedicure.

Because there is no formal pedicurist in some countries, a pedicure is mostly carried out by patients themselves, only special cases to the hospital for surgical treatment. Regardless of toenail fungus infection, toenail deformity, pedicure to cut the nail to the skin edge and maintain a certain distance, not the edge. I have toenail to be involved in a nail groove, answer to be repaired carefully cut, do not injure the skin, if produce injury, local debridement is used medically immediately.


Shoes and socks, socks are required to be seamless textile cotton socks, preferably with a certain thickness, insulation, and cushioning pressure. Often check sock inside, had better be able to turn sock hind catharsis, in case the wired head inside sock becomes ball or become a trip line, cause injury to sufficient ministry. Shoes should be neither big nor small. Shoes that are too big or too small will result in uneven foot forces. Shoes with a thick sole and wide head should be selected to ensure even force on the sole and reduce local friction. Also, every time you wear shoes, you should insert your hands into the shoes to check for small foreign bodies.

Should everyone with diabetes do this?

In theory, everyone with diabetes should maintain good foot care practices that would benefit even healthy people without diabetes. In fact, it's easy to do this in your daily life once you've developed a habit, but it's a must for those at high risk of diabetic foot.

Which diabetics are at high risk for diabetic foot?

If more than 10 years duration of diabetes, the lower limb vascular lesion (shown as walking distance after lower limb pain, fatigue, muscle atrophy, skin to become black-purple, etc.), diabetic peripheral neuropathy (performance for lower limb hyperesthesia, such as pain, hemp, itching, and anesthesia, such as wood, temperature sense vibration sense decreases) patients who were not stable control, blood sugar volatility, is one of them, are the high-risk population of diabetic foot. Some diabetic patients may need to be examined for vascular neuropathy. Therefore, patients with diabetes should be regularly examined for vascular and neurological function.

If a diabetic foot infection occurs, the patient must go to a professional hospital. Not getting proper treatment can aggravate the condition.


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