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Hypertension | Fruit suitable for old people

Over time, everyone gets old. Everyone has periods of physical weakness, weakened immune system, slow blood vessel flow, and slow cell growth -- old people. The elderly due to organ function decline, the body is gradually under, the appropriate fruit is not only good for the health of the elderly but also can make the elderly glow, strengthen the body resistance, live longer. What kind of fruit should the old people eat?

1. hawthorn:

Hawthorn has the role of blood circulation, is the blood dysmenorrhea diet of patients. It can enhance the body's immunity, anti-aging, and anti-cancer effect, very suitable for the elderly to eat. Also suit a woman to eat very much, eat hawthorn to be able to eliminate adipose inside body, reduce adipose absorption effect, the woman that loves the United States to notice a figure again, also can eat a bit of hawthorn more at ordinary times, good to the figure.

2. shan zhu:

Shenzhen is very suitable for old people because components are a tropical fruit, its meat is tender, high nutritional value, added a variety of vitamins and minerals for the human body, the fruit also can remove the body of cholesterol in the blood, can avoid them in the deposited on the walls of blood vessels, old people to eat more at ordinary times shan zhu, can effectively reduce the hardening of the arteries and the occurrence of hyperlipidemia, very suitable for high cholesterol and high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels in elderly people.

3. grape: 

Hypertension is the common diseases of the aged, this disease, is difficult to eradicate, need to pay more attention to the usual diet, in addition to eating less salt, also can eat some grapes, grape this kind of fruit contains some trace elements k, it can promote the body inside the excretion of sodium, can make high blood pressure down. You can also eat some raisins, raisins can effectively alleviate the symptoms of anemia in the elderly, but also can prevent hair loss and hair loss.

4. Kiwifruit: 

Kiwifruit has diuretic laxatives, Chongjin Moisten dryness, beauty and beauty, and a calm mind, but also has the role of cancer prevention. Also, kiwifruit can stimulate the isolated group of cells to secrete insulin, so it can reduce the blood sugar of diabetic patients. The powder is mixed with balsam pear powder to regulate blood sugar levels. Inositol, a natural sugar extract from the monkey's fruit, is found to be safe from diabetes and depression. It is extracted from cells and ACTS as a regulator of hormones and nerve pathways, making it safe for older people to stay away from diabetes.

5. Saurian fruit: 

Saurian fruit contains higher calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, selenium, and trace elements. Can regulate blood, reduce blood sugar, blood fat, and cholesterol, prevention, and treatment of hypertension and diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease of the elderly have an obvious role in health care. Snow lotus fruit contains another 20 kinds of amino acids and calcium, iron, potassium, selenium, and other minerals and trace elements, often eat can improve the immunity of the human body.

6. Loquat: 

Ripe loquat tastes sweet, rich nutrition, A variety of fructose, glucose, potassium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and vitamin A, B, C, etc. Among them, the content of carotene was the third in all fruits: loquat fruit has the effect of moistening lung, relieving cough and thirst. Suitable for the elderly to supplement a variety of minerals and vitamins, can effectively enhance the body's immunity.

7. Jujube:

As we all know, Jujube can nourish blood and qi and calm the mind. Three dates a day can live to old age. It can strengthen human body immunity, it is the good product that supplement raises, food cure medicated diet adds red jujube to be able to supplement the body, moist qi and blood, the nutrient content in red jujube in the meantime can enhance body immunity function, still can prevent cancer to fight cancer, maintain a healthy body, so old and young appropriate.

8. walnut: 

We all know that walnut has a high nutritional value, with stomach, blood, Brunei, nourishing the soul and prolong life and other effects. Often eat walnuts make people healthy, it can also be beneficial to urinate, eating walnuts make people appetite, it is not only brain food, or neurasthenic therapeutic agents, dizziness, palpitations, sleep and other symptoms of the elderly, you can eat some walnuts in the morning and evening, with the role of nourishing treatment.

Also, the elderly themselves suffer from a variety of diseases, should combine their own characteristics and different diseases, choose different fruit types. For example, a variety of symptoms can be associated with eating the following fruits:

  • High cholesterol: mangosteen, walnut, etc.
  • High blood pressure: banana, watermelon, grape, tomato, walnut, persimmon, peach, etc.
  • Atherosclerosis: Apple, avocado, walnut, tomato, banana, etc.
  • Stroke: Apple, persimmon, pineapple, kiwifruit, etc.
  • Heart disease: apple, kiwi, pear, watermelon, pineapple, walnut, banana, etc.
  • Indigestion: pears, strawberries, etc.
  • Bone, joint, and skin diseases: grape, loquat, etc.
  • Back pain: Kiwifruit, watermelon, pear, citrus, etc.
  • low back pain: peach, etc.
  • Gout: Kiwifruit, wind pear, etc.

Generally speaking, the elderly have low resistance, weakened gastrointestinal function, and poor spleen and stomach function, so they are more suitable to eat some mild fruits such as apples, oranges, pears, and blueberries. However, all kinds of fruits have different nutrition, and it is best to have a balanced and appropriate intake of each fruit. Excessive or excessive consumption of a certain fruit is avoided. For example, diabetic patients should not eat bananas, orange, cantaloupe, watermelon, grapefruit with high sugar content; Old people with chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma should not eat fruit with mango allergy. The old people with deficient spleen and stomach should not eat fruits such as peach and plum. Easy to the elderly should not eat orange, litchi, mango warm dry fruit.


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