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Diabetes | Health knowledge of diabetes

1. Psychological care of diabetes health knowledge.

The patient had anxiety after admission, and the reasons should be fully understood and analyzed. On the one hand, the patient did not adapt to the hospital environment and regulations after admission. On the other hand, I don't have a deep understanding of the disease and think that diabetes is a lifelong disease that cannot be cured forever, which means that I am suffering from an incurable disease. Therefore, I feel pessimistic and pessimistic, and I feel under pressure for the economic burden brought by long-term treatment.

2. Diet management of diabetes health knowledge.

Implement a diabetic diet, control blood sugar, balance nutrition. A diabetic diet follows the basic principle of "equal calorie exchange" and "two high two low", that is, high protein, high fiber, high vitamin, low sugar, and low fat.

3. Health knowledge of diabetes and precautions for exercise.

Physical and medical conditions should be evaluated before exercise. It is not appropriate to exercise when blood glucose is higher than 14mmol/L, and it is not appropriate to exercise on an empty stomach. It is forbidden to exercise before eating after taking hypoglycemic drugs or insulin injections to prevent hypoglycemia.

To prevent accidents, carry out the long-distance exercise with your family, pay attention to supplement water, carry candy with you, and relieve symptoms of hypoglycemia such as hunger, palpitation, cold sweat, dizziness, weakness in limbs, and trembling. If you feel uncomfortable during the exercise, stop the exercise. If chest pain, blurred vision, should stop immediately, timely treatment.

4. Diabetes health knowledge of blood sugar measurement time.

The level of blood sugar in the human body is the same as the time in the circadian body. If you don't rest well, your blood sugar will get out of control. For example, if a diabetic is admitted to the hospital, he can ask the doctor to help you make a regular rule of injection or oral medication, when to take medicine and when to inject insulin, etc., so that they can help you make a reasonable schedule of medication. It should be noted that the diet of diabetic patients after discharge should not be increased suddenly, otherwise it will lead to the failure of drug treatment.

Diabetics should get up between 6 am and 7 am according to the normal sleep and rest rules and sleep for at least 7 hours. For example, elderly diabetics should lie down and rest when they cannot fall asleep. The time of blood glucose measurement in diabetic patients should also be fixed. The best time is to measure blood glucose at 6 o 'clock in the morning, and fasting blood glucose will be more accurate.

Diabetic person breakfast must nutrition is comprehensive one vegetable is given priority to, the staple food is auxiliary. Go out for exercise one hour after your meal. Bring dry food or snacks with you when you go out to avoid sudden hypoglycemia. Go home at noon to eat a little easy to digest like noodles or hair noodles staple food, with green vegetables, can add meat appropriately.


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