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Hypertension health education, health knowledge(1)

What is hypertension?

Hypertension is a clinical syndrome characterized by increased systemic arterial pressure, which is often accompanied by systemic diseases with functional or organic changes of the heart, brain, kidney, and retina.

What are the causes of hypertension?

Here refers to the high blood pressure of essential hypertension, the etiology is not clear, now think of primary hypertension with genetic, smoking, alcohol consumption, taken excessive salt, overweight, mental stress, lack of exercise and other factors, systemic arterial pressure increases as the main performance of the cardiovascular syndrome, account for more than 90% of all hypertensive patients.

Why should hypertension be managed throughout the whole process?

The health management of hypertension in the whole process can guide the monitoring of blood pressure at the right time, taking medicine at the right time, exercising at the right time, choosing the right diet, the harm of hypertension and the prevention of emergency, etc., which plays a vital role in the change and control of hypertension.

What are the symptoms of hypertension?

  1. Most patients with hypertension have no obvious symptoms.
  2. Some people feel dizziness, headache, tinnitus, blurred vision, neck pain, and other symptoms, but the occurrence of these symptoms are not necessarily all related to hypertension.

Why is high blood pressure the invisible killer?

High blood pressure has a big part of people do not have special obvious symptoms, even with mild discomfort, subjective feeling and the degree of blood pressure is not higher than, because the symptom is not obvious, there are quite a several people attending to did not a standard treatment or no treatment, the majority of hypertensive patients have the disease until the cause serious cardiovascular damage was found after and attention.

Why limit salt?

Salt intake was positively correlated with hypertension, meaning the more salt a person ate, the higher their blood pressure level.

For every 1 gram increase in daily salt intake, the average high pressure rises by 2mmHg and the low pressure by 1.7mmhg.

The World Health Organization limits salt intake to 6 grams per person per day, which is not only salt, but also salt in salty condiments such as monosodium glutamate and soy sauce, and in foods.

In daily life, we can help control salt intake by limiting the salt spoon. We can also refer to the method that the amount of salt in a beer bottle cap is about 6 grams. We can also reduce the amount of salt by 1/3 ~ 1/2 on the original basis.

Precautions for sports 1.

  1. Avoid high intensity and a large amount of exercise, and gradually increase the amount of exercise in a step-by-step manner.
  2. Pay attention to the surrounding climate: it is forbidden to do sports on hazy days, avoid doing sports at noon in summer, and pay attention to keep warm in winter.
  3. Wear comfortable loose clothing, trainers, etc.
  4. Choose safe places to play sports, such as parks and playgrounds.

Precautions for sports 2.

  1. No exercise within one hour after meals.
  2. Continuous exercise and gradually increasing the time and amount of exercise after good blood pressure control.
  3. If you feel unwell during exercise, please stop exercising and take your blood pressure timely. If your symptoms do not improve after rest, please contact your doctor in time.

quit smoking

Nicotine in smoke excites the central nerve and sympathetic nerve, make the adrenal gland release a lot of catecholamines, make arteriole produces systole, cause blood pressure to rise thereby, a long-term and large quantity of smoke cigarette still can promote atheroma of the big artery, intima of arteriole thickens gradually, bring about arteriolosclerosis.

At the same time, due to the increased content of carbon monoxide hemoglobin in the blood of smokers, the oxygen content of the blood is reduced, making the intima of the artery hypoxia, the oxygen content of the lipid in the artery wall increases, accelerating the formation of atherosclerosis.

Therefore, people without hypertension can stop smoking to a certain extent to prevent the occurrence of hypertension, people with hypertension should quit smoking.

The Significance of blood pressure monitoring at home?

  1. The influence of white coat hypertension, mood, exercise, eating, smoking, drinking, and other factors on blood pressure can be excluded, reflect blood pressure objectively, and truly.
  2. Long-term monitoring of blood pressure can obtain more blood pressure data, which can actually reflect the changing rules of blood pressure throughout the day.
  3. To test the effect of drug treatment to a certain extent, help doctors to select drugs, adjust the dosage and time of medication, etc.
  4. To determine whether there is damage to target organs (organs vulnerable to hypertension).

If there is cardiac hypertrophy, fundus arterial vascular lesions, or changes in renal artery function, the difference between day and night is small.


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