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Hypertension health education, health knowledge(2)

Learn to check your blood pressure.

  1. The environment is quiet and the temperature is appropriate.
  2. Coffee, tea, and alcoholic beverages should be avoided within 30 minutes, and pay attention to mental relaxation.
  3. Take a quiet rest for at least 5 minutes and sit, preferably in a chair. (Measure before you get up in the morning. Should be in the supine position)
  4. Elbow and upper arm at the same level as the heart.
  5. Upload measurement results in time for communication with doctors.

The significance of blood pressure at each time period.

  1. Just wake up from 6 am to 6 am, before getting up, this time point can reflect the day's blood pressure peak, the highest value.
  2. Monitoring blood pressure at 10 am can reflect changes in blood pressure after taking medication.

Blood pressure monitoring from 3 to 2 to 3 o 'clock in the afternoon can reflect the rebound of blood pressure. After taking medication, the blood pressure of patients with hypertension can basically remain stable in the morning and start to rise in the afternoon, and the rise time is usually 2 to 3 o 'clock.

Monitoring blood pressure before going to bed at 9-10 PM from 4 PM can generally reflect the change of blood pressure at night.

Determine the severity of blood pressure.

  1. Do not judge symptoms by their severity.
  2. Take the level of blood pressure as the guarantee: If the blood pressure fluctuates greatly within a short period of time, the high-pressure ≥180mmhg, and the low-pressure ≥110mmhg, please contact the doctor and go to the hospital in time.
  3. The duration of the disease and complications such as centerlessness, brain, and kidney are the criteria.

The benefits of antihypertensive therapy.

Every 2~5mmhg decrease in systolic blood pressure can reduce the incidence of stroke death by 6~14%, the incidence of coronary heart disease death by 4~9%, and the total mortality by 3~7%.

Three a minute.

Wake up at night and lie still for 1 minute, start slowly for 1 minute, and then two lower limbs prolapse bed edge for 1 minute.

Then move to the ground to reduce the risk of myocardial ischemia.

Blood pressure control targets.

  1. In general patients with hypertension, blood pressure should be lowered below 140/90mmhg;
  2. The systolic blood pressure of the elderly aged 65 or above should be controlled below 150mmHg, which can be further reduced if it can be tolerated;
  3. Hypertension patients with chronic kidney disease, diabetes, or stable coronary heart disease or cerebrovascular disease can generally lower their blood pressure to below 130/80mmhg;
  4. Patients with coronary heart disease whose diastolic pressure is lower than 60mmHg should gradually reach the blood pressure standard under the condition of close monitoring of blood pressure.

Buck principle.

The sooner you reach the target, the better. Most patients with hypertension should gradually reduce their blood pressure to the target level within weeks to months (rather than days), depending on their condition.

Young patients with hypertension with a short course of the disease can reach the standard quickly.

However, the hypotensive rate should be slower in the elderly, patients with a longer course of the disease, or patients with target organ damage or complications.

Dietary principles of hypertension (1).

Reduce dietary fat and supplement the appropriate amount of high-quality protein: reduce the consumption of pork with high-fat content, and increase the consumption of poultry and fish with high protein content and less fat content in the appropriate amount. The quality of protein is, in turn, milk and egg; Fish, shrimp; Chicken and duck; Pigs, cattle, and mutton; Beans are best in vegetable proteins.

Excessive involvement of animal and plant proteins can increase blood pressure, and the increased ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in the diet is also a risk factor for increased blood pressure.

Dietary principles of hypertension (2).

Limit alcohol consumption: Studies have shown that very small amounts of alcohol may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, but there is a linear correlation between alcohol consumption and blood pressure levels and the prevalence of hypertension. Heavy drinking can induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.

Therefore, it is not recommended to use a small amount of alcohol to prevent coronary heart disease, and drinking can increase the resistance to take antihypertensive drugs.

Reduce mental pressure and keep a balanced mind.

Chronic stress and mood depression, which leads to sleep disorders, are important contributors to high blood pressure and other chronic diseases. This mental state often leads them to adopt less healthy lifestyles, such as alcoholism and smoking, and to lower adherence to treatment for high blood pressure.


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