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Hypertension health education, health knowledge(3)

Increase your potassium intake.

The potassium sodium ion is to promote human body blood pressure to rise, is actually the "stabilizer" of blood pressure, it can direct expansion of small artery, reduce the peripheral vascular resistance, increase the excretion of water and sodium, inhibit angiotensin enzyme and angiotensin secretion, reduce the secretion of adrenaline, stimulate the activity of na/k pump and so on, reduce the proportion of sodium and potassium in the food, to prevent blood pressure to rise very to have certain benefits.

Daily health care for hypertension.

Get up slowly.

Wake up in the morning, should lie supine on the bed above all 3 minutes, stretch next stretch, move the limb, make limb muscle and blood-vessel smooth muscle restore proper tension, sit up slowly again, move an upper limb for a few times, just can get out of bed activity.

Wash with warm water.

Water that is too hot or too cold can irritate skin receptors and cause constriction in surrounding blood vessels, which in turn affects blood pressure.

Wash your face and rinse your mouth with 30-35℃ warm water.

Have a glass of water.

Drink a cup of warm water after getting up in the morning, not only can flush the gastrointestinal tract but also can dilute the blood, promote metabolism, lower blood pressure, do not slow, smallmouth small drink.

Avoid straining when defecating.

The hypertensive patient is in defecate if force is overmuch, can induce the happening of disease of heart cerebral blood vessel.

Accordingly, often the patient of constipation, want to eat vegetable, fruit and the food with much cellulose more also can be guided below the person of the doctor to use some of slow cathartic appropriately, to alleviate defecate difficulty.

Shower safely.

Shower at least once a week, but be safe.

In a large bath, prevent falls.

Do not take a long bath and do not overheat the bathwater.

Room matters will be reduced.

For patients with mild hypertension, sexual intercourse is feasible, but it should be gentle, beware of excessive excitement, and avoid excessive frequency.

Severe hypertensive patients should stop having sex.

Take medicine regularly and quantitatively.

Take antihypertensive drugs regularly and quantitatively as prescribed by the doctor. If you do not reduce or stop the drugs at will, you can adjust them according to the condition under the guidance of the doctor to prevent blood pressure from bouncing back and increase the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Emergency treatment.

Please contact your doctor or go to the hospital with the help of your family in case of any of the following: Blood pressure fluctuates greatly, or ≥ 180/110mmhg;

Dizziness, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, hemiplegia, aphasia, disturbance of consciousness, dyspnea, limb weakness, etc.

Carry a "help card" at all times.

Please write down your name, age, common medicine, diagnosis, and contact number of your family members on the "help card", so that you can get help from others in case of special circumstances.


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