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High blood pressure | Is hypertension serious after all?

High blood pressure without symptoms is even scarier!

In recent years, the incidence of high blood pressure has increased so much that it can be said that high blood pressure is a very common problem that we often see in our daily life.

And because hypertension is becoming more common, many people are starting to ask the question: Is high blood pressure serious or not?

Although high blood pressure has become a very common problem now, it does not mean that it is not serious. High blood pressure is also called a "silent disease" and "invisible killer".

Its horror lies not in its own symptoms, but in the series of complications caused by it.

What's really scary about high blood pressure is that it can literally ravage your body and damage your heart without you even realizing it.

In another country, 265 million people suffer from hypertension, and the incidence of hypertension among people over the age of 18 is as high as 25.3 percent.

And according to the statistical results, the number of deaths due to cardiovascular problems in other countries accounted for as much as 41% of all diseases, among which 50% of myocardial infarction was closely related to hypertension, and 40%~50% of heart failure problems were caused by hypertension.

Why is high blood pressure called the silent disease?

When people suffer from high blood pressure, the main symptoms are dizziness, headache, numbness in the skin of the brain, and a stiff neck.

However, not all people who have high blood pressure problems will show its symptoms, is about the general patients with high blood pressure is no symptoms, and symptoms of these patients because they do not have any discomfort, so usually I don't know yourself and suffer from high blood pressure, also failed to timely treatment, resulting in preserving renal diseases such as stroke onset, oneself doesn't even have ready.

This is why high blood pressure is known as the silent disease and the invisible killer.

Therefore, after people are over 35 years old, it is necessary to carry out routine screening programs for high blood pressure in a physical examination and ensure that they have a check-up at least once a year, to prevent the occurrence of hypertension.

Why do you get high blood pressure?

There are two main conditions for the formation of blood pressure: one is to use the contraction of the heart to push the blood in the body into the blood vessels;

The other is whether the elasticity of the blood vessels can withstand the pressure caused by blood entering the vessels.

When blood pressure rises, there are usually two reasons. One is that the heart is pumping more blood, putting too much pressure on the blood vessels.

The other is the elasticity of the blood vessels themselves. For example, the resistance of the blood to enter the blood vessels is increased, or the elasticity of the blood vessels itself is decreased, which can lead to an increase of blood pressure level in the body.

Blood pressure above 140/90 mmHg is considered high blood pressure.

Who is most likely to suffer from high blood pressure?

Poor lifestyle: People who are sedentary and obese have a higher risk of high blood pressure than the general population.

Genetic factors: If both parents have high blood pressure in the family, there is an increased risk that their children will have it.

Anxious, the nervous person: work pressure in daily life is big, the person that the mood is more nervous, the blood vessel inside the body can appear apparent contractive circumstance, bring about blood flow to be blocked, cause hypertension problem finally.

The elderly: With the increase of age, atherosclerosis in the body will appear some degenerative changes, resulting in the rise of blood pressure in the body.


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