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Obesity | Obese people should be on guard for high blood pressure!

Mr. Li, 28, suffered from high blood pressure for years, but it was not taken seriously, so much so that he suffered from cerebral hemorrhage due to high blood pressure.

As his weight soared to 175 kilograms, his blood pressure often exceeded 200 MMHG.

Not long ago, Mr. Li underwent surgery to reduce his weight.

Strangely, his blood pressure was close to normal by the time he left the hospital.

Did metabolic surgery cure hypertension unexpectedly?!

1.blood pressure returned to normal in 70% of patients.

Obesity is often accompanied by metabolic syndrome, which includes hypertension.

In 1995 Pories, an American doctor discovered that patients who had weight-loss surgery were also cured of diabetes.

Later gradually found that weight loss surgery is not only effective for diabetes, but obesity combined with polycystic ovary syndrome, sleep apnea, and hypertension also have a significant therapeutic effect.

The study reported that more than 70% of obese patients with high blood pressure were able to stop taking all antihypertensive drugs within 10 days of their bariatric surgery, with their blood pressure fully restored.

2.Why does gastric surgery affect blood pressure?

Commonly used weight loss surgery, colloquially speaking, one is gastric bypass, food does not pass through the stomach, directly to the intestines;

Another kind is the operation to shrink the stomach, the stomach becomes smaller, can't eat a lot of things.

It is now widely believed that special cells in the stomach wall produce hormones that regulate metabolism.

Gastric bypass or contractions alter the way food stimulates the stomach and cause changes in these hormones produced in the stomach wall, which in turn play a role in regulating blood pressure.

3.Which hypertension can be effectively treated after the operation?

There is still a lack of definite conclusion on which weight loss surgery is effective in patients with hypertension.

But it can be known that patients with hypertension suitable for surgical treatment should have a certain degree of obesity in the first place.

Hypertension in young patients is closely related to endocrine disorders, and surgical treatment will have a better effect.

However, elderly patients have undergone changes in vascular sclerosis and stricture, and hypertension after heavyweight reduction surgery may not be improved.

Of course, as a result of kidney special tumor and other secondary hypertension, certainly not suitable for surgical treatment.


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