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Hypertension | The harm and prevention of hypertension by "Health popularization Knowledge"

In modern society, people's pace of life is accelerated, the pressure is greater, coupled with reduced activities, rich diet, hypertension patients are more and more.

Early hypertension may be asymptomatic or symptoms are not obvious, as the course of the disease is prolonged, the blood pressure obviously continues to rise, gradually appear a variety of symptoms.

In hypertensive patients, the continuous increase of arterial pressure leads to systemic arteriolosclerosis, which affects the blood supply of tissues and organs and causes a variety of serious consequences, among which the damage to the heart, brain, kidney, and peripheral blood vessels is the most significant.

The dangers of hypertension.

1. Heart damage.

The damage of hypertension to the heart is mainly manifested in the following two aspects: first, the damage to the blood vessels of the heart.

Hypertension mainly damages the coronary arteries of the heart, gradually causes coronary atherosclerosis and the occurrence of coronary heart disease.

Left ventricular load increased, myocardial strength increased, myocardial oxygen consumption increased, combined with coronary atherosclerosis, coronary artery blood flow reserve function decreased, myocardial oxygen supply decreased, so angina, myocardial infarction, and so on.

Second, the damage to the heart itself, arterial pressure continues to rise, increase the burden of the heart, the formation of compensatory left ventricular hypertrophy.

Ventricular hypertrophy tends to occur, leading to further dilation of the heart.

The heart damage caused by high blood pressure can lead to arrhythmias, heart failure, and sudden cardiac death.

2. Cerebrovascular damage.

Dizziness and headache are the most common brain symptoms of hypertension, most of the patients show continuous dull discomfort, often dizziness can hinder thinking, reduce work efficiency, attention is not focused, memory decline, especially the recent memory decline is very.

The main acute cerebrovascular diseases caused by hypertension are cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, and so on.

The pathological site of a cerebral hemorrhage, the amount of blood loss, and emergency treatment are of great relevance to the prognosis of patients, and the general case fatality rate is relatively high. Even the survivors also leave behind hemiplegia or aphasia and other sequelae, and the patients are disabled.

3. Kidney damage.

Hypertension has a close and complex relationship with renal failure. On the one hand, hypertension causes kidney damage.

On the other hand, renal damage worsens the prognosis of hypertension.

In general, the damage of hypertension to the kidney is a relatively long process.

Since the kidneys have a strong compensatory capacity, the only symptom that can initially reflect the dysfunction of kidney regulation is increased nocturia.

Chronic hypertension can lead to hardening of the renal arteries.

When renal insufficiency further develops, urine volume significantly decreases, blood non-protein nitrogen, creatinine, urea nitrogen increase, systemic edema, electrolyte disturbance, and acid-base balance imbalance occur.

Once the kidneys become dysfunctional or develop uremia, the damage is irreversible.

Prevention and treatment of hypertension.

1. Lifestyle improvements.

The diet of hypertensive patients should follow the principle of low salt, low fat, and low calorie. At the same time, the variety of food should be diversified and all kinds of food should be eaten.

Secondly, we should pay attention to the quantity or proportion of various foods.

The incidence of hypertension is positively correlated with the intake of salt. From the perspective of prevention of hypertension, we should pay attention to properly control the intake of salt <6g/ day.

In addition to improving blood circulation and lowering cholesterol levels, exercise also strengthens muscles and prevents bone and joint stiffness.

Exercise can increase appetite, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, prevent constipation, improve sleep.

Aerobic exercise can lower blood pressure, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, cycling, and swimming are aerobic exercises.

Smoking causes high blood pressure.

This is because tobacco contains some nicotine, tar, and other substances that will make the central nervous and sympathetic nervous system has been in an exciting state.

The heart rate increases and the adrenal glands release large amounts of catecholamines, which cause the small arteries to contract and lead to high blood pressure.

At the same time also can stimulate the blood vessel to reflexes the ground to contract, causes the blood pressure to rise.

Hypertensive patients can have anxiety and depression disorders, patients will feel nervous, anxiety, anger, and depression often lead to a sharp increase in blood pressure.

These adverse psychological factors are likely to induce increased blood pressure.

Patients should change their behavior to develop a good ability to adapt to the natural environment and society and avoid emotional excitement and excessive tension.

Prevent hypertension as much as possible.

2. Medication.

When a patient is diagnosed with high blood pressure, most patients need medication to lower their blood pressure.

Actively manage blood pressure while preventing risk factors for complications.

When non-drug methods fail to control blood pressure, it is necessary to seek medical advice in time and rationally use drugs under the guidance of doctors.

Recommended by antihypertensive drugs mainly include calcium antagonists, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (ACEI) and angiotensin Ⅱ receptor antagonist (ARB), diuretics, beta-blockers, and a low dose of fixed compound preparations, etc.

Rational use of drugs should be based on different patient conditions.


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