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Lose weight | Vegetarian weight loss: nutrition and shape a lot

There are many different ways to lose weight in your life, and the vegetarian diet is one of them. A lot of people will give priority to a vegetarian diet to lose weight, but referring to the family members are also fat, a simple vegetarian diet without attention to nutrition collocation actually has a very weak effect on weight loss, and even easy to cause malnutrition. So what mistakes are there in the process of using a vegetarian diet? Below introduce the mistake area that a vegetarian diet reduces weight to everybody, for everybody reference.

1. Unlimited consumption of processed foods.

Many vegetarians believe that as long as there is no animal-based ingredient, processed or not, the food has high nutritional value and is more suitable for weight loss. In fact, many processed foods are made from natural ingredients, but most of them are produced using white rice and white flour, reducing important dietary fiber, and adding a lot of oil, sugar, or salt. It is not a substitute for fresh and natural health foods.

2. Eating more fruits without reducing the intake of staple food.

Many vegetarian dieters like to eat fruit and eat it three times a day. However, they often find that fruit is synonymous with health but did not let themselves think. This is because fruit contains more than 8% sugar and its calories cannot be ignored. If you eat a lot of fruit every day without reducing the amount of staple food, it will easily lead to excessive calorie intake and obesity.

3. No fermented foods.

For vegans, the most common deficiency is vitamin B12, which cannot be obtained from a plant-based diet and must be supplemented with fermented foods from some fungi. Vitamin B12 deficiency may cause pernicious anemia. Also, vegans can be zinc and iron deficient, so increasing your intake of fermented soy products and minerals can help prevent micronutrient deficiencies.

4. Failing to control the amount of oil, sugar, and salt in cooking.

Vegetable oils and refined sugar sources are beginning to appear openly on vegetarian diets. As more and more people pursue the natural flavor of vegetarianism, many people add large amounts of vegetable oil, sugar and salt, and other seasonings to their cooking. But in fact, it doesn't help you lose weight, it just increases your sodium intake. And, take in food oil too much, also can cause blood fat to rise likewise, stimulative fat induces fatty liver.

5. There is no dietary combination of nutrients to supplement.

In some developed countries, food nutrition fortification activities have been generally carried out, and a variety of nutrient-rich foods have been specially prepared for vegetarians. Vegetarian dieters have a lower risk of micronutrient deficiency. However, the food industry rarely considers vegetarian dieters, leading to the prevalence of nutritional fortification. To supplement the appropriate amount of compound nutrients to help healthy weight loss, especially iron, zinc, vitamin B12, and vitamin D supplementation, to prevent nutritional deficiencies, and make vegetarian weight loss affects the health.

6. Eat raw and vegetarian.

Some vegetarian dieters believe that eating raw vegetables has a higher health value and therefore rarely eat cooked food. They prefer salads. In fact, many nutritious vegetables need oil for better absorption, and heating disrupts the integrity of cell walls, leading to a significant increase in absorption. For example, vitamin K, carotene, lycopene, and other nutrients are easier to absorb when cooked. Also note that salad dressing is high in fat and, because it is cold, is less easily absorbed by the body.


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