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Hypertension | You can keep your blood pressure stable by eating these kinds of things


Don’t take medicine stupidly for high blood pressure. You can keep your blood pressure stable by eating these kinds of things

Hypertension has a nickname "Silent Killer", so why is it called that?

There are about 1.4 billion hypertensive patients in the world, and there are about 300 million hypertensive patients in my country alone. Almost one in four Chinese people have hypertension. But even so, the number of patients suffering from hypertension in my country is still on the rise. From the elderly to the infants, to countless young and middle-aged people, are suffering from hypertension. In fact, for both men and women, young and old, hypertension is already pervasive. No age group or group is immune to the large number of people affected.

With so many hypertensive patients in the world, tens of millions of people die every year from the complications caused by hypertension. Among the common complications of hypertension, the most common ones are coronary heart disease, cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, kidney disease, eye disease, etc. These complications will seriously affect our quality of life and life expectancy.

Hypertension cannot be cured, or that most hypertension cannot be cured, this has become the consensus of many people. It is also the current status of hypertension. Before the emergence of an effective cure for hypertension, patients with hypertension need to adhere to oral medications for a long time to control normal blood pressure. And long-term or even lifelong oral antihypertensive drugs, I am afraid there is no longer a treatment cycle.

Even if everyone knows the dangers of hypertension, hypertension still has a low awareness rate, low medication rate, and low compliance rate. Hypertensive patients who really take drugs and control their blood pressure up to standards do not even reach about 10% of the total number of hypertension. , We can imagine that hypertension control in real life is really poor.

In addition to daily medication control of high blood pressure, if you get rid of bad living and eating habits and pay attention to non-drug treatment, you can also keep blood pressure stable.

High blood pressure is still stupid to take medicine? Often eat these kinds of things, blood pressure is stable and good health.

Lotus heart

It has the effect of strengthening the heart and lowering blood pressure and can maintain blood pressure at a near-normal and normal level. Usually make a cup of lotus tea, delicious and healthy.


Carrots contain other substances such as quercetin and kaempferol. These substances are related to the efficacy of bioflavonoids (vitamin P), which can increase the absorption of vitamin C and improve the capillaries. At the same time, it can increase coronary blood flow and reduce blood lipids. , Enhance the synthesis of adrenaline, so it has the effects of lowering blood pressure and strengthening the heart.


Konjac is pungent and warm in nature, promotes blood circulation, and prevents swelling. The mucus protein contained in konjac can reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, prevent arteriosclerosis, and prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, konjac is called a "gastrointestinal scavenger" and "blood purifier". Konjac glucomannan can effectively inhibit the intestinal absorption of cholesterol, bile acid, and other lipolytic substances, promote the excretion of fat, and reduce the total amount of triglycerides and cholesterol in the serum.


It has distinct prevention and treatment effects on high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, arteriosclerosis, and diabetes. It is a very common natural and multifunctional plant beverage.

Bamboo shoots

It has the characteristics of low fat, low sugar, and high fiber, and is a suitable food for patients with hypertension.


It contains slightly bitter saponins and a variety of rich minerals, which can dissolve and clear the "waste" and "garbage" entering the blood vessels, promote the activity of plasmin, reduce blood viscosity, improve blood flow, and promote blood circulation. Sanqi is a natural and effective plant. Its action process is mild and stable without side effects. Long-term use can clean blood, dredge blood vessels, treat diseases from the source, improve physical fitness, and enhance the body's self-protection and self-healing ability.


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