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Obesity | What are the most common causes of childhood obesity?

Obesity is a disease that spreads around the world. Not only do adults eat themselves into balls, but obesity in children is gradually increasing. Many parents think that if children get fatter, it’s okay. Obesity means good growth, but raising children is not raising pigs. It is not that the fatter the better. Obesity will not only damage the child’s physical and mental health but also cause diabetes and high growth after growing up. Chronic diseases such as blood pressure.

What are the causes of obesity in children?

1. Inheritance: 

Obesity can be inherited. The phenomenon of multiple obesity in one family indicates that obesity has family aggregation. If the parents are obese, the child’s chances of developing obesity symptoms are as high as 70% to 80%. If one of the parents is fat, then 40% to 50% of the child will become fat.

2. Weight at birth: 

If the mother eats too much during pregnancy, causing the fetus to grow very large in the body, it will cause the child’s fat cells to proliferate excessively, which means that the child will grow very large after birth volume.

Newborn children are overweight, so the chance of obesity in the future is great. At the same time, a newborn's low weight will also cause obesity in the future. This is because parents have a compensatory mentality and overfeed their children.

3. Improper feeding method: 

Facts have proved that it is not easy for the child to gain weight by giving breast milk to the child, and the probability of obesity with milk powder is relatively higher.

This is because children who eat breastmilk will control the amount and frequency of milk by themselves, but the amount and frequency of milk to eat powdered milk are determined by their parents.

Also, parents often control their children's eating, and children often consume too many calories, which also paves the way for children to develop obesity.

4. Poor eating habits: 

Like eating greasy, sweet, and greasy food, as well as large appetites, fast eating, and eating before going to bed, these bad eating habits will cause obesity.

Moreover, children who are used to playing computers, watching TV, and playing games are also more likely to develop obesity.

External factors, such as celebrity idols endorsing food and beverages, will also promote children's appetite. Children will subtly like high-calorie foods and ignore fruits and vegetables, so too many food advertisements will have a bad effect on children.

5. Insufficient physical activity: 

the phenomenon of insufficient physical activity in children usually has the following reasons:

  • The traffic is too developed, reducing, or even giving up walking.
  • The popularity of games, TVs, and mobile phones has caused children to indulge in the virtual world and reduce outdoor activities.
  • The study pressure is heavy and the schoolwork burden is heavy.

6. Parents don’t know enough about childhood obesity: 

Most parents don’t realize the dangers of childhood obesity. They think it’s okay for children to get fat. They will naturally lose weight when they grow up. They don’t know that once bad habits are developed, it will be difficult to continue. Slim down. And many diseases are getting younger, and there are many cases of diabetes in children.

What are the hazards of childhood obesity?

The ratio of childhood obesity to adult obesity is about 26% to 41%, and the risk of children who are overweight is more than twice that of those who are not.

Child obesity not only lays a health risk in the future, but also leads to decreased cardiopulmonary function, abnormal blood lipids, and high blood pressure in childhood. At the same time, the increase in blood sugar will also affect height.

In terms of mental health, obesity may also cause an inferiority complex.

How to prevent childhood obesity?

1. Pay attention to balanced nutrition during pregnancy: 

avoid excessive growth of the fetus during pregnancy, and insist on breastfeeding after delivery.

2. Adjust eating habits in time:

 Most children's obesity stems from poor eating habits. Once parents find that their children have a partial or excessive diet, they should be corrected in time.

Educate children to eat fewer sweets and snacks, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and high-quality protein, avoid excessive fat intake, chew slowly when eating, and mix coarse and fine grains reasonably.

Breakfast should be on time and according to the amount, and meals should be prepared at home as much as possible, reducing the number of meals out and eating less fast food.

Pay attention to the atmosphere during the meal and avoid overeating due to poor mood.

3. Let children participate in more physical activities:

The imbalance of calorie intake and consumption is the main cause of obesity, so increasing consumption is a shortcut to lose weight. Exercise more to speed up the decomposition of fat, thereby effectively preventing the occurrence of obesity.

With the improvement of material living standards, more and more obese children appear. For the healthy growth of children, we should pay attention to childhood obesity and let children adjust as soon as possible to avoid the occurrence of diseases.


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