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Obesity | What is intractable obesity

Some girls always say that they are losing weight, but they can't reduce it. They all attribute the cause of obstinate obesity. What exactly is obesity? I believe many people don't understand this very well, so let's take a look.

Stubborn obesity, in layman's terms, means that you can't reduce it no matter how you lose it, that is, through various methods, such as drugs, massage, and other methods, but your own weight still has not changed significantly. In fact, there are many reasons for intractable obesity, including stress, endocrine problems, mental stimulation, etc.

Intractable obesity can be divided into three categories, including laziness, gluttony, and constipation.

Lazy type refers to eating a lot, and not exercising too much, and not loving exercise. There are excess calories and there is no way to metabolize them in time. In this case, you need to find a balance between eating and digestion, otherwise, you want to lose weight Very difficult, the key step is to control your own diet.

Greediness refers to the intake of food that is too high in calories. In fact, the gluttony of high-calorie foods is the same as the above-mentioned eating more.

Constipation type means that the intake is large but the excretion is small, and the food residue cannot be excreted in time. The large intestine will once again recover the residual nutrients, which may cause excess calories to be absorbed by the body again.

Causes of obstinate obesity

There is more than one cause of obesity, and there are many types. What type of obesity is, this needs to be judged according to the actual situation of each person. However, in modern society, more and more people are stubborn obese. This type of obesity is difficult to judge by sports or diet. So what are the reasons for stubborn obesity? Come take a look.

  • First of all, constipation is a big factor leading to the onset of obstinate obesity. If patients also suffer from constipation, they will eat more but take fewer shots. However, since food residues cannot be excreted immediately, the intestines and stomach are likely to absorb the food again, resulting in excess calories in the body, leading to stubborn obesity.
  • Secondly, there are still some people who don't like exercise, which leads to stubborn obesity in children who consume calories. Regardless of the cause of obesity, you need to develop good living habits, which is not only conducive to weight loss but also has great benefits for yourself.

The difference between simple and obstinate obesity

I believe many people have heard of the term obesity, but what is meant by obesity, may not be answered by most people. In fact, obesity can include simple obesity and obstinate obesity. So what is the relationship between the two? Come take a look.

In fact, if one's body weight exceeds 10% of the normal standard, it is called overweight, and if it exceeds 20%, it is called obesity. Obesity is divided into simple obesity and obstinate obesity. These two forms of obesity are not only bloated but may also cause slowness in mobility, lack of physical strength, sweating, or fatigue easily. If not treated in time, it may cause a series of serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, etc.

For simple obesity, the cause of the disease is very complicated, which is generally related to one's own inheritance and is also closely related to one's body constitution and living environment. In terms of treatment, medication and diet can be used.

For obstinate obesity, the main cause is an unhappy life, mental stimulation, or other serious endocrine diseases.

How to reduce obesity

Many people complain that their mothers don't eat much every day, and they often participate in physical exercises, but the weight can't get down. This is caused by obstinate obesity. So, for obstinate obesity, is there any way to lose weight? Let's take a look.

1. Multi-fiber

Prepare multiple servings of fruits every day. Vegetables and fruits are rich in dietary fiber, which helps the excretion of feces, stimulates gastrointestinal motility, and also contributes to the ecological balance of intestinal bacteria. And pay attention to chewing slowly when eating, friends who like to drink juice can try to use fresh fruit instead of juice. Only in fresh fruits can you eat the rich dietary fiber in vegetables.

2. Oily

If the fat content in the intestine is low, it may also cause constipation. The role of oil is like acting as a lubricant, which can make bowel movements smoother and more effective. Some ambiguous women will only eat fruits and boiled foods in their daily lives, with very little oil content, but they don't know that constipation is easy to appear over time.

Stubborn obesity hazards

As we all know, obesity is more harmful than good to the human body, and the accumulation of fat in the body due to excessive food intake or changes in the body’s metabolic function can easily lead to a continuous increase in body mass, which may lead to certain human pathologies. . Physiological changes. So what is the harm of obstinate obesity? Come take a look.

1. Hypertension

If you accidentally suffer from high blood pressure, you will find it more difficult to do everything in your daily life, and the heavier people tend to be more likely to suffer from high blood pressure. Even with mild hypertension, the probability of having a stroke before the age of 65 is three times higher than that of normal people.

2. Affect the life span

Data shows that if a person's weight is lighter than the ideal body weight calculated from the height, the lifetime will be longer.

3. Higher risk during surgery

Some experts pointed out that during surgery, the heavier the weight, the risk of accidents will increase.


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