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Hypertension | Which high blood pressure does not take medicine first

Many hypertensive patients are in the check-up, or when treating another disease, discover blood pressure by chance abnormal. After diagnosis, they often want to start medication immediately for fear that their condition will lead to serious cardiovascular problems. In fact, some high blood pressure actually need not rush to take antihypertensive medicine.

First of all, the patient needs to make it clear that he or she meets three conditions.

  1. Only a slight increase in blood pressure (140/90 MMHG ≤ actual blood pressure < 160/100 MMHG) was detected for the first time.
  2. There are less than 2 risk factors, specifically: male > is 55 years old, female > is 65 years old; Smoking or passive smoking; Impaired glucose tolerance (often prediabetes); Dyslipidemia; A family history of early cardiovascular disease; Central obesity (abdominal fullness).
  3. The following complications did not occur: ultrasonography showed left ventricular hypertrophy; Carotid atherosclerotic plaque; Increased microalbuminuria or serum creatinine; Heart or cerebrovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction, atrial fibrillation, etc. Kidney disease; Peripheral vascular disease; Retinopathy; diabetes.

If the above conditions are met, non-drug treatment should be carried out after the diagnosis of hypertension by improving dietary habits, environmental factors, etc. If the blood pressure is still high after 3 to 6 months, drug treatment can be considered. Patients with moderate to severe hypertension with systolic blood pressure greater than 160 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure greater than 100 mmHg should be treated with medication immediately after diagnosis.

"Reasonable diet + regular exercise" is the safest means of regulating hypertension, might as well from the following aspects.

Limit salt intake. The Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016) recommends less than 6 grams of salt per person per day. The diet of hypertensive patients should be as light as possible, low sodium salt is recommended;6 grams of salt per person per day can be prepared in advance and rationed; Pickled food, halogen products to eat as little as possible; When cooking seaweed, seaweed and other seafood, do not add extra salt; When dining out, dishes often high salt, rinse with water to eat, remove a certain amount of salt.

Exercise regularly and control your weight. Regular exercise is helpful for obese patients with hypertension to control their weight, it is best to ensure 3 to 5 times of high-intensity aerobic exercise every week, such as brisk walking, cycling, Tai Chi, etc., try to adhere to more than 30 minutes each time, not more than an hour. However, it should be noted that patients should ensure that the blood pressure level is relatively stable before exercise; If your blood pressure is too high, such as over 180/120 MMHG, don't exercise for the time being to avoid cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. Also, try not to exercise in the morning.

Eat a balanced diet, quit smoking, and limit alcohol. Avoid excessive intake of high oil and fat food, can be appropriately increased soy products, bananas, apples, and other potassium-rich food, achieve daily "half a kilo of vegetables and half a kilo of fruit".Hypertensive patients had better give up smoking and limit alcohol to avoid cardiovascular damage.

What needs to remind is, early hypertension has concealment sex, won't make the person feels painful wait for unwell, arouse vigilance not easily. Normally healthy middle-aged and elderly people, if unexplained dizziness, headache, high intraocular pressure symptoms, should consider the possibility of hypertension, it is best to timely measurement, vigilance, and prevention of blood pressure problems. Family self-test is an important adjunct to the treatment of hypertension. If you are over 35, it is best to have your blood pressure measured every 3 to 6 months. If already suffering from hypertension, the proposal measures 1~2 times every day.

In general, normal people's blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day. Blood pressure fluctuates at a high level during the day and gradually decreases after 8 p.m. until 2 or 3 a.m. when it reaches its lowest level. In the morning, blood pressure may rise sharply. If you measure yourself, be sure to pinpoint the time and measure at the same time every day.

Hypertension is a progressive cardiovascular syndrome caused by multiple causes. It can lead to changes in the structure and function of the heart, blood vessels, and even damage to the brain, kidneys, and eyes. Therefore, every six months, patients with hypertension should go to a regular hospital for heart, kidney, and fundus examination, which is helpful to grasp the severity of hypertension, facilitate timely adjustment of the treatment plan, and a reasonable selection of calcium antagonists, beta-blockers, certain drugs, primers, diuretics, and other antihypertensive drugs.

Patients do not have to worry about the use of blood pressure drugs will be "dependent", for the sake of health, this is necessary treatment, do not reject it.


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