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Diabetes | Why do people get diabetes? What kind of person gets diabetes easily?

And diabetes is like Pandora's box with more than 100 complications...Can lead to blindness, foot disability, kidney failure, and other serious consequences.

You may be wondering: A good person, how to get diabetes?

It starts with blood sugar: Cells, like humans, love a sweet bite, and sugar is their source of strength:

And our intestines and stomach, like a sugar factory, turn all the raw materials we eat into glucose. Glucose enters your blood vessels, becomes blood sugar, and begins to pass through your world.

At the same time, 60 trillion starving cells, smelling the food, began ordering frantically:

A group of delivery boys, calling, door-to-door delivery:

These takeout guys are insulin:

Without them, the cells starve:

The excess blood sugar is sent to the liver by insulin and stored temporarily:

When the liver has no place, blood sugar will be beaten by liver cells, turning into fat and kicking out the door:

Insulin works very hard, never runs out of time, never loses the order. Although delivery hard, but it feels good life, quite substantial. But many people, always at the edge of the body can bear crazy tests, day and night, eat and drink: Never ask yourself, with so much blood sugar, can my cells eat? With so much blood sugar, can I run out of insulin? Until one day, the delivery man insulin, as always, delivered the food to his door:But...No one answered.

When insulin is denied, it is known as insulin resistance. The delivery of insulin failed, had to take the blood sugar, came to the liver...

At this moment, he saw an amazing sight...


Fat accumulates in the liver, aggravating the burden of glucose metabolism. Insulin is a headache, takeout can't be delivered, and there's no place to put the blood sugar, so it fills up with blood:

At this point, the insulin headquarters, the islets, sounded the alarm and entered a level 1 combat mode:

Insulin, all hands, save the day. Pre-diabetes, there will be too much insulin secretion symptoms. Although the insulins put in, 100 percent fight. Knocking on doors and delivering blood sugar. But...The blood sugar is still going up, dilly:

Insulin is desperate. They can't figure out why they're losing when they've done their best...

Insulin resistance is caused by poor dietary habits and genetic factors. When your blood sugar goes up, it doesn't go down, and that's how it works in type 2 diabetes.
At the present medical level, there is no cure for diabetes. In other words:

"Once you get sick, treat it for life."

So if you want to avoid the stress that can overwhelm a small deliverer, diabetes is about prevention. Here comes the point! Here are 6 tips to keep your blood sugar stable:

1. Mix it up a bit.

Reduce the staple food of white rice and white flour, replace half with whole grains and potato vegetables, a moderate amount of protein and a large number of vegetables, and control blood glucose with a mixed diet.

2. Be thick.

Staple food coarse point good, never fine, choose whole wheat, do not choose white, choose brown rice, do not choose white rice.

3. Be thinner.

Meat should not be less but choose lean waste fat. Eat chicken duck goose, do not eat the skin, fish fat content is low, very good.

4. Be lazy.

Vegetables can be chopped up without being chopped up, beans can be eaten whole without being boiled, fruits can be eaten whole without being juiced, and whole potatoes are better than mashed potatoes.

5. Lighten it up.

Oil and salt should be a little less, you can add some vinegar appropriately.

6. Be ruthless.

Don't smoke, don't drink, don't sit soon, don't bow to your genes and bad habits.
Tell more people to stay away from diabetes!


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