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Hypertension | Why is blood pressure higher in the morning than at other times?

The rise in morning peak blood pressure refers to the average systolic blood pressure within 2h after getting up in the morning minus the lowest systolic blood pressure at night (the average of three systolic blood pressure before and after the lowest blood pressure at night)≥35mmHg.The incidence of morning peak blood pressure increase in the elderly in another country is 21.6%, and hypertension patients are more common than normal people.

1.Lifestyle intervention.

This includes giving up smoking and limiting alcohol, eating a low-salt diet, avoiding mood fluctuations, keeping a good sleep at night, staying in bed for a while after getting up in the morning, slowing down the movement of getting up, and avoiding more vigorous activities immediately after getting up.

2.Drug therapy.

The long-term antihypertensive drugs with stable blood pressure for 24 hours can control the large fluctuation of blood pressure in the morning and reduce the increase of morning peak blood pressure caused by failure to take medication on time or missed medication. Also, maintaining a moderate decrease in blood pressure at night can effectively inhibit the morning peak of blood pressure. Domestic studies showed that nifedipine controlled-release tablets at 19∶00 p.m. to 21∶00 a.m. could significantly reduce the rate of blood pressure rise in the morning, compared with 6∶00 a.m. to 8∶00 a.m.


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