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Obesity | The cold winter is coming, the fat of the fat man is not as good as the muscle to keep out the cold?


The thick layer of fat on fat friends becomes the envy of everyone every winter. In fact, can fat really resist the cold winter? Observing the fat people around, it seems that they don't wear many clothes no matter how cold it is. It seems that fat is really good for keeping out the cold.

In fact, many fat friends can't wear clothes with three layers inside and outside three layers, and their weight will increase by a few dozen jins visually. So what kind of body is the coldest resistant?

The human body's cold tolerance is composed of many factors. Natural physique, exercise habits, diet structure, energy expenditure, environmental adaptability, whether it is affected by drug factors, etc., will affect a person's ability to withstand cold. Traditional Chinese medicine likes to pay attention to the smooth flow of qi and blood. People with sufficient qi and blood are generally less afraid of the cold. People with a deficiency of qi and blood have cold hands and feet in winter, do not like sports, and are in a poor mental state. From the perspective of western medicine, do people with deficiency of both qi and blood tend to have a lower body fat rate? Because the fat content is low, it is not enough to keep out the cold?

In fact, this is not the case. Many people with insufficient energy and blood are not thin, and some fat people also suffer from malnutrition and weak physique. Some theoretical schools believe that many obese people have too much fat, poor heart function, poor peripheral circulation, and low local skin temperature on the body surface, so they are more afraid of the cold. How much fat does it have to do with whether you are afraid of the cold?

In the biology class, we have learned that fat has the function of storing energy, and adipose tissue has buffering and thermal insulation functions, which is a good thermal insulation material. The thicker subcutaneous fat of obese people should make them colder tolerant than thin people.

But in fact, the heat production efficiency of obese people is worse than that of thin people. No matter how much heat is produced, thin people have a high heat production efficiency. Obese people have very low heat production efficiency. The raw materials equivalent to the production capacity are sufficient, but the working efficiency of the machine cannot keep up. The total production energy is still not as high as the efficient production efficiency of thin people.

It can be seen that the excess fat of obese people does not play a big role in keeping out the cold. On the contrary, this "skin jacket" will increase the difficulty of heat dissipation. Therefore, it is more common for obese people to be more afraid of heat in summer.

So what kind of body is not afraid of the cold?

The degree of cold resistance of a person's body is related to the content of "brown fat" in the body. It is not the fat of the fat man as you mentioned, the fat of the fat man is white. Brown adipose tissue is a kind of adipose tissue that has only been discovered in recent years. It is mainly distributed between the shoulder blades, the back of the neck, the axilla, the mediastinum, and the kidneys.

The amount of brown fat in the body is constantly changing in the process of human growth and development, and the proportion of infants and toddlers is relatively high. With the increase of age, the amount of brown fat in the body gradually decreases. The weight of brown fat in adults is generally less than 2% of body weight. The appearance of brown adipose tissue is brown. The cells contain a large number of fat droplets and a high concentration of mitochondria. The cells are rich in capillaries and a large number of sympathetic nerve fiber endings, forming a complete thermogenesis system. It is currently believed that the function of brown adipose tissue is similar to a "heat generator", which mainly produces heat through the uncoupled oxidative phosphorylation of fatty acids in the cell, and produces a large amount of heat when the body eats or is stimulated by cold.

However, there are still very few people with a high proportion of brown fat. If you are obese and chills, there is a better way to keep you healthy and resist the cold-fitness.

The main place where the human body generates heat is mitochondria. Fat cells contain fewer mitochondria, while muscle cells are rich in mitochondria. Therefore, muscles are the main organs of the human body that generate heat. Think about it carefully, is it true that people around you who exercise regularly are less afraid of the cold, and seldom heard that fat friends give people a healthy image.

Therefore, obesity is really harmful to no benefit, whether it is winter or summer, the obese group suffers more. To resist the cold and look thinner, you still have to exercise this winter to reduce fat.

And if the BMI has reached 32 or more, it is very difficult to exercise, and surgical methods can be used to reduce weight. After the operation, combined with exercise to keep the body healthy.


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