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Breast cancer | Six suggestions to reduce the risk of breast cancer

Many cancers will find women, such as cervical cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, thyroid cancer, etc. Among them, the incidence of breast cancer has increased significantly in recent years, and everyone knows that breast cancer The harm caused to patients should not be underestimated. Therefore, to avoid the "harassment" of breast cancer by the majority of female friends, the following will give a detailed introduction to the prevention methods of breast cancer. Female friends can take a moment to understand.

In fact, it is very simple to prevent breast cancer, that is, try to avoid those factors that can induce breast cancer, and then have regular physical examinations. The specific content is as follows:

1. Treatment of breast diseases such as mastitis or breast hyperplasia in time

Some women pay little attention to the treatment of breast diseases. In fact, the occurrence of breast cancer requires a long process. It may be mastitis or breast hyperplasia at the beginning, but it will gradually become breast nodules. In this case, it will develop without active treatment and regulation. Breast fibroma, over time, breast tissue necrosis will lead to breast cancer. Therefore, if there are related problems, they must be treated in time.

2. Avoid the abuse of hormones

To maintain youth and beauty, many women often buy many cosmetics or health products, and sometimes they learn about them through unknown means and then buy them. Therefore, they are not very clear about the ingredients in health products or cosmetics. If they are used for a long time, they will make the body easier The balance of internal hormones is broken, leading to an increase in the proportion of estrogen, so that breast cancer is easy to invade, so you should carefully check the information when buying related health products to ensure that they are safe before use.

3. Keep moving

Studies have found that women who can persist in long-term exercise have a 60% lower risk of breast cancer than women who do not exercise. Because regular exercise can consume excess fat in the body, eliminate toxins from the body, and keep the body's immune function in a good state. If you do not exercise, the fat in your body may stimulate the growth of cancer cells. Therefore, adhere to exercise, control the intake of fat, and reduce the obesity rate can effectively prevent and reduce the prevalence of breast cancer.

4. Choose the right fertility time

In today's life, many independent women are unwilling to have children, or unwilling to have children at a young age, but in fact, women's pregnancy can enhance the ability to resist breast cancer, so girls should give birth at the right time. Having a baby after 30 years old, on the contrary, will be harmful to the body.

5. Eat less high-fat foods

In daily life, meats containing higher saturated fatty acids, such as beef, lamb, and pork, should be eaten as little as possible. These meats will increase our risk of breast cancer to a certain extent. Because long-term intake of saturated fatty acids in large amounts will cause our body to produce a large amount of estrogen and prostaglandin analogs. Once the content of estrogen increases in the blood, it will cause a high incidence of breast disease.

6. Regular physical examinations, especially those with a family history of breast cancer

Because breast cancer may not be obvious in the early stage, so only regular physical examinations can help us find early breast cancer, and the failure to cure breast cancer is closely related to the timing of discovery and treatment, so this is for the prevention of breast cancer. Very important, especially for people with a family history of breast cancer.

The above is the introduction of breast cancer prevention knowledge. I hope that female friend can pay attention to breast cancer prevention work.


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