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Exercise | Can obese people exercise?

Obese people might think this way: I am so fat, how long does it take to work out to become a macho? Can you have a fit and cool appearance?

Speaking of this, some people may want to ask, can obese people exercise? Can't it? In fact, our reply has always been very simple. It is not that obese people cannot exercise, but one thing must be done first, and that is-lose weight! Obese people should try to avoid direct fitness because the level of body fat directly determines the final manifestation of our fitness. Some people have a high body fat rate, so this person should try not to go to exercise directly, and some have a low body fat rate or within a normal range, then you can go to exercise directly and transform yourself into a tough guy through fitness. Possess a muscular, sleek appearance. Therefore, weight loss is still very important.

So do you know how much our body fat rate is before we can go to exercise directly? When the body fat rate of our men is 15% and the body fat rate of women is 25%, it is normal and healthy. Too low or too high is not good.

In fact, many people don’t understand that. You can pinch your belly, which is usually one of the fattest parts of the human body.

You can grab your belly and see if you can pinch out a handful of fat. If you grab a large handful, you must lose fat and lose weight first. If you have cellulite, but you can't pinch it, and it's not obvious when you stand, it doesn't matter, it means you can directly exercise. Friends who have a high body fat rate, I hope you can reduce fat and lose weight from these three points, and scientific weight loss starts with you.

The first point: exercise to lose weight

Exercise weight loss is the best way to lose weight. Anyone who loses weight should lose weight through exercise. Only exercise weight loss is the least rebound weight loss method. It is also a healthy way to lose weight. We should all choose exercise to lose weight. , Digest fat through a certain amount of aerobic exercise.

Exercise to lose weight is always the first way to lose weight. It is reasonable, healthy, hard to rebound, thin, and stable. It is really a very good way to lose weight.

The second point: control heat

Controlling calories is also a good way to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, you must use exercise as the main way to lose weight and use the method of controlling dietary calories as an auxiliary. Remember, if we don’t control our diet, sometimes exercise can even make us fat, because exercise can increase appetite. If we can’t control our appetite, what will happen to us? Think about it for yourself, we won't write it here.

The third point: get enough rest

Adequate rest can quickly restore your body to a normal state and ensure that the hormones in your body are stable. So rest after exercise is also crucial. Paying attention to rest and ensuring a certain regularity of life can help us in a sense Lose weight. So, do you know what to do during weight loss? Of course, a certain amount of rest is guaranteed. How can we not have enough rest?

Can obese people exercise? Yes, but after losing weight, go for fitness.


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