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Hypertension | 6 daily conditioning principles for hypertension!

Hypertension is not a minor disease. It is closely related to genetic irregularities and excessive smoking and drinking. If you want to control your blood pressure well, you must grasp the daily routine.

1. Quit smoking and drinking

Smoking and drinking are the triggers of cardiovascular disease. Because nicotine can constrict blood vessels, increase the heart rate, and increase blood pressure. Drinking alcohol is also very detrimental to blood pressure control.

2. Control your diet

Daily intake of salt is not more than 6 grams, because salt will cause water retention in the body, resulting in increased blood volume, which will increase the load on the heart. A daily diet with less salt, fewer sweets, and less fat, try to choose steamed and boiled instead of frying. Patients with hypertension often have accidents during defecation, which is also one of the preventions of hypertension.

3. Regular physical examination

For the elderly, a physical examination including blood sugar, blood lipids, liver function, kidney function, blood pressure, weight, waist circumference, and electrocardiogram is done once a year. Remember to measure your blood pressure when you are at home, to understand and regulate in time.

4. Keep exercising

Walking, suitable for the elderly, simple and effective. It can be used to lose weight and maintain weight, to enhance physical fitness, improve blood circulation, reduce peripheral resistance, and lower blood pressure.

5. Adjust your mindset

Taboo anger and excitement are prone to cerebral hemorrhage, transfer emotions appropriately, relieve bad emotions by adjusting mentality, and reduce accidental cerebral hemorrhage.

6. Work and rest

Long-distance running, weight-bearing and heavy lifting are not suitable for people with high blood pressure. If you rely on long-term bed conditioning in your life, it will not help you at all. You can go for a walk appropriately, soak your feet in hot water before going to bed, and pay attention to the combination of work and rest.


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