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Hypertension | 6 points to teach you to prevent high blood pressure

Hypertension is a disease closely related to lifestyle. Changing your own bad habits and adopting a healthy lifestyle can effectively prevent the occurrence of high blood pressure.

1. Quit smoking and limit alcohol

Smoking can increase blood pressure and increase heart rate, and smoking a cigarette can sometimes increase blood pressure by 25 mmHg. Nicotine acts on the vascular movement center, and at the same time increases the secretion of adrenaline, causing small arteries to contract. Long-term heavy smoking can cause continuous contraction of small arteries and over time the arterial wall degeneration, hardening, and narrowing of the lumen, resulting in persistent hypertension.

2. Limit salt

Studies have shown that salt intake is positively correlated with the incidence of hypertension. People with lifelong low sodium have almost no hypertension. The World Health Organization stipulates that the daily salt intake per person is 3-5g (not more than 6g), which has a good effect on preventing high blood pressure. For those with a family history of high blood pressure, it is best to eat only 2-3g of salt a day.

3. Periodic measurement of blood pressure

Regular blood pressure measurement is an effective way to detect high blood pressure early. For people with a family history of hypertension, blood pressure should be checked regularly from childhood. For people without a family history of hypertension, blood pressure should be measured regularly from the age of 35. Even if there is no conscious discomfort (early hypertension or persistent hypertension does not produce obvious subjective symptoms), blood pressure should be measured at least 2-3 every year Times. When dizziness, headache, tinnitus, insomnia, palpitation, chest tightness, weakness, blurred vision, stiff neck, scalp numbness, oliguria, edema, etc. occur, blood pressure should be measured in time.

4. Lose weight

According to statistics, the average life expectancy of obese people is 5-10 years shorter than that of normal-weight people. This is because obesity can increase the burden on the heart, leading to cardiac hypertrophy, angina pectoris, and heart failure; obesity can also lead to arteriosclerosis, reducing blood vessel elasticity and fragility. Increase, prone to hypertension and cerebral hemorrhage.

There are many ways to lose weight, but in the final analysis, there are two points:

  1. Eat less, control high-sugar, high-fat foods, and eat small and frequent meals.
  2. Hyperactivity, active participation in physical exercise, and two should be coordinated, and neither is indispensable.

5. Control critical hypertension

Critical hypertension, the high normal blood pressure, refers to a systolic blood pressure of 120-139 mmHg and/or diastolic blood pressure of 80-89 mmHg, which is the transitional stage from ideal blood pressure to confirmed hypertension. According to statistics, the mortality rate of critical hypertension 5 is 2 times higher than that of normal blood pressure. For borderline hypertension, non-drug therapy is first used.

6. Avoid excessive stress

Hypertension is a psychosomatic disease, and any mental stimulation can raise blood pressure. When a person's mood fluctuates, and when there is great joy or great compassion, the sympathetic nerves will become excited, which will accelerate the heartbeat, increase the peripheral vascular resistance, and increase the diastolic blood pressure. Such repeated increases in blood pressure will cause hypertension. Minimizing mood swings is of great significance to keeping blood pressure relatively stable and reducing complications.

Learn to calm down when things happen, and restrain yourself when things go wrong. Learn ways to release your unhappiness, such as talking with family and old friends, and expressing your own thoughts and requirements; whenever you want to get angry, leave the scene to do other things, or change the topic to distract, to make The anger and complaint were resolved. Please arrange your life reasonably, combine work and rest, maintain mental balance, avoid the influence of various adverse stimuli, and relax your tension. This can effectively prevent the occurrence of hypertension.


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