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Hypertension | Exercises that are beneficial to hypertension patients

By 2025, there will be 1.05 billion hypertensive patients worldwide. So, how should blood pressure be controlled?

Doctors often advise hypertensive patients to exercise properly. However, blood pressure is easily affected by external stimuli and fluctuates. Therefore, the exercise of hypertensive patients should be scientific, and it is best to ask the doctor to provide exercise advice to the patient.

Which exercises are beneficial to patients with hypertension?

Regular exercise can enhance heart function, better meet the blood supply needs of the whole body, reduce the pressure of arteries, and help lower blood pressure. At the same time, regular exercise can reduce weight and control weight. Obesity is also an important factor affecting blood pressure.

For hypertensive patients, the prerequisite for exercise is to control blood pressure stably and then exercise moderately and appropriately. It is better to feel good about yourself and do what you can.

Excessive exercise or too intense exercise will not only make hypertensive patients overwhelmed, but also cause a sharp rise in blood pressure and even cause blood vessels to burst. The exercise intensity of hypertensive patients should be moderate and small, and the maximum heart rate during exercise should be controlled at 60-70%.

There are many ways to exercise. For hypertensive patients, avoid strenuous exercise or sudden stop and start exercises that cause large fluctuations in blood pressure.

For exercise, walking is the first choice, followed by yoga and Tai Chi. Swimming is also a good choice if the body can survive. These exercises are all aerobic. Through the repeated contraction of the muscles of the whole body, the blood vessels are dilated and contracted, and blood pressure is reduced.

Many people like to climb stairs and mountains, but this is not suitable for hypertensive patients. Climbing exercises often put a heavy burden on joints, aggravate or induce knee arthritis, which is not good for blood pressure control.

Hypertension patients exercise attention to "four don't"

Patients with hypertension should exercise according to their physical strength and cardiovascular tolerance, and pay attention to preventing falls. Safety is the first priority. Do not exercise in a hurry, you must sit firmly, stand firm, and wait for the hands and feet to be fully active before exercising.

During exercise, there are the following things to note:

  1. Don't stop and get up during exercise. Suddenly getting up, this action is very dangerous, it can easily cause a sudden rise in blood pressure, leading to dizziness, wrestling, and other accidents. When doing the head movement, it must be slow. Hypertensive patients with cervical spondylosis need to pay special attention.
  2. Relax your body during exercise, don't use sudden force, and don't hold your breath.
  3. Don't bend over and lower your head when your blood pressure is not under control or when you just exercise. For safety reasons, the head position of hypertensive patients should not be lower than the level of the heart. It is forbidden to lift or lower your head forcefully. Patients with high blood pressure and cervical spondylopathy often experience dizziness.
  4. After the exercise, you should wipe off your sweat in time and add moisture. Do not drink cold water. It is recommended to drink warm water.


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