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Hypertension | The relationship between hypertension and smoking

Most people only know that smoking can cause respiratory diseases and lung cancer, but they don't know that this habit can also increase blood pressure and even cause heart disease. According to statistics, 30% of deaths from heart disease in the United States each year are directly related to smoking. This is because smoking is the main cause of coronary artery disease.

The longer you smoke and the more you smoke a day, the greater the risk of a heart attack. People who smoke a pack of cigarettes a day have more than twice the risk of heart attack than non-smokers; women who smoke on birth control pills have a heart attack, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease that are even several times higher.

How does smoking increase the risk of heart disease?

Nicotine in tobacco products can cause:

  1. The oxygen supply to the heart decreases;
  2. Increased blood pressure and heart rate;
  3. Increased blood clots;
  4. Coronary artery wall cells and other blood vessels are damaged.

What are the benefits of quitting smoking?

The benefits of quitting smoking include:

  1. extend your life;
  2. Reduce the risk of disease;
  3. Feel healthier
  4. After quitting smoking, cough is relieved, sore throat is not easy, and endurance will increase;
  5. Quitting smoking also helps prevent wrinkles, eliminate tooth staining, and improve the appearance of the skin;
  6. Smell and taste return to normal;
  7. save money.

How to quit smoking?

There is no uniform way to quit smoking for everyone. To quit smoking completely, you need to go through both psychological and physical tests. Generally speaking, perseverance and appropriate outside help are the keys to successful smoking cessation.

What preparations should be made before quitting smoking?

  1. Set a deadline to stop smoking and strictly observe it;
  2. Write down the reasons for quitting smoking and read them repeatedly every day;
  3. Find out some activities that can replace smoking;
  4. Consult a doctor about the usage of nicotine gum and smoking cessation patches. These smoking cessation products are effective for some people;
  5. Join a smoking cessation support group.

How to avoid relapse?

  1. Do not carry lighters, matches, or cigarettes with you. Put all these things out of sight;
  2. If you live with smokers, ask them not to smoke in front of you;
  3. Don't focus on what you have lost, but consider the healthier lifestyle you have gained;
  4. During the onset of smoking, take deep breaths. Hold your breath for 10 minutes, then exhale slowly. Repeated inhalation and exhalation until the craving disappears;
  5. Keep your hands busy, such as doing graffiti, playing with a pen, or working with a computer;
  6. Change activities related to smoking. Take a walk or read a book when you want to smoke a break;
  7. Avoid places where smokers gather. But go to places where smoking is prohibited, such as movie theaters, shops, or libraries;
  8. Exercise can help you relax.

How do you feel when you quit smoking?

After cessation of smoking, there are usually adverse reactions such as a craving for cigarettes, irritability, extreme hunger, frequent coughing, headache, and difficulty concentrating. These are normal withdrawal reactions after the body gets used to nicotine. Stay in control and think about the reasons for quitting. Remind yourself that these are just signs that the body is beginning to recover and will pass soon.


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