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Lose weight | How to run scientifically to lose weight

There are many ways to lose weight, such as diet control, yoga, and so on. So about running to lose weight, don’t touch a few misunderstandings.

Scientific running to lose weight

● Before exercise, you should stretch your body and do adequate preparations.

● When starting to practice jogging, the amount of exercise should be gradual. You can alternate between jogging and walking. The distance should not be too long. After practicing for a period of time, the body gradually adapts to jogging and can reduce walking until all jogging.

● After getting used to jogging, find the best running speed without fatigue. Before running, the sole of the foot first touches the ground and transitions to the full sole touch of the ground.

● Keep rhythmic breathing while running. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Gradually transition to breathing at the same time as the nose and mouth.

● To expand lung capacity, apply abdominal breathing. (When inhaling, the abdomen bulges, when exhaling, the abdomen is concave).

● After exercise, you should stretch your body and do adequate relaxation activities.

● After exercise, apply hot water instead of cold water.

● Drinking water and meals after exercise should be when the heart rate returns to a normal level.

Six misunderstandings of running

1. Run at the beginning

Many people are eager to lose weight and run on a treadmill as soon as they go to the gym. The scientific method of running is: first carry out relevant strength training and consume most of the glycogen. After all, running for a long time is very boring and boring.

2. Run for 20 minutes each time

In theory, about 20 minutes is the time when fat starts to mobilize to provide energy. If you only run for 20 minutes and stop running when the fat is mobilized, the goal of burning fat will not be achieved. This is why people often say that running for less time is not as effective as running for a long time with fewer times.

3. Drinking drinks while running

Beverages on the market can be roughly divided into three categories (usually about 350 ml per bottle): 60 kcal, 120 kcal, and more than 200 kcal; 60 kcal is low-energy, and the most common one is around 120 kcal; More than 200 kcal is more common in energy drinks such as glucose drinks. And we jogging on the treadmill (speed 8-9) for an hour about 500 kilocalories of energy, if you drink a bottle of 350ml glucose drink, it means you have about half an hour for nothing.

4. To run, you must be fast

Running fast on the treadmill and on the road, sweating profusely and panting. This way the running time does not last long, and more importantly, no fat is consumed. Only low-intensity exercise can have aerobic exercise, and fat can be mobilized and consumed as an energy supply.

5. Various "novelty" running methods

The correct treadmill posture should be: raise the leg and step, land on the sole of the foot, slide with the heel on the ground, etc. It should be noted that the body should be kept upright and should not lean forward, and should not run in a jumping manner.

6. Eat breakfast and start running

For weight loss, morning running is a good aerobic weight loss exercise. This is because, after a night of sleep, a lot of glycogen in the body has been consumed, which is conducive to fat mobilization. To avoid the problem of low blood sugar, just add a small amount of sugar, such as about 5 grams of sugar water. If you plan to have a morning run for weight loss, and you eat a good breakfast or run as soon as you wake up on an empty stomach, you may run for nothing.


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