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Lose weight | The top 10 foods recognized by the weight loss circle, eat openly during weight loss!

During weight loss, strict diet control is required, but it does not mean that you need to go on a diet, but to adjust the entire diet structure. Although dieting is the fastest way to lose weight, it is also the easiest to rebound when it is unhealthy. The following 10 foods can be eaten open during the weight-loss period without starving.

1. Avocado

The sugar content of avocado pulp is extremely low, which is one-fifth of the sugar content of bananas. It is rich in vitamin E, magnesium, linoleic acid, and essential fatty acids. It is a holy product for weight loss that integrates fruit, grain, and oil. Many countries regard it as a treasure in the fruit. Guinness World Records even ranks avocado as the most nutritious fruit. It also has natural beauty effects. It is rich in glyceric acid, protein, and vitamins. It is a natural anti-oxidant and aging agent. It not only softens and moisturizes our skin but also reduces pores.

2. Oats

Oats are rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can enhance intestinal peristalsis, enhance satiety, make us less hungry, and suppress appetite. Moreover, the GI value of oats is very low and will not cause a sudden rise in blood sugar. Among all cereal crops, the protein content of oats is very high, at about 15.6%, which is 100% higher than the rice we often eat and 75% higher than corn. It is 66% higher than the flour, and the fat in oatmeal is an unsaturated fatty acid, which is very good for weight loss and can lower cholesterol.

3. Brown rice

People who lose weight like to add coarse grains to their staple food. Compared with the fine rice we often eat, brown rice retains the outer tissue with high nutritional value, and the amount of calcium, iron, vitamins, and dietary fiber exceeds too much. The germ is rich in vitamin E, which helps blood circulation and helps us improve metabolism. The large amount of dietary fiber retained by brown rice can promote the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, accelerate intestinal peristalsis, and promote the discharge of waste from the body.

4. Broccoli

Broccoli is known as the "vegetable crown". It has a lot of nutrition but low calories. A large amount of vitamin C in broccoli can help the body synthesize carnitine and promote fat metabolism. The best way to do it is steamed or boiled, because too high oil temperature will destroy the nutrients in broccoli. It can be used with a variety of vegetables. Will be more nutritious.

5. Celery

When you are chewing celery in your mouth, the heat energy you consume is much greater than the energy that celery gives you. Not to mention other trace elements, celery contains only two substances, water, and dietary fiber, which are very easy to produce satiety. Each celery only contains 8-10 calories.

6. Konjac

The calorie of konjac is 0. A large amount of dietary fiber in konjac swells several times by absorbing water. After use, it prolongs the emptying speed of the stomach and makes us feel full for a long time. It helps our body eliminate waste and accelerate metabolism. There are many konjac products available in the market, such as konjac blocks, konjac flour, and konjac silk.

7. Corn

Corn is a staple food that can replace white rice and white flour. Common corns include sweet corn and waxy corn. The dietary fiber and nutrition of the two are comparable. Both have the effects of moisturizing the bowels and enhancing satiety. , Sweet corn has lower calories and is more suitable for weight loss.

8. Buckwheat

Buckwheat has a folk name, called "Jingchangcao", which is mainly because it is rich in crude fiber, so it has the function of "cleaning intestines", but the taste of buckwheat is a bit bitter, but if you eat too much Get used to it, and even fall in love with the taste.

9. Sweet potato and purple potato

They are coarse grains. Each 100g of potatoes has much lower calories than rice of the same weight. If you eat a sweet potato, you will not feel hungry for a long time. Sweet potatoes can be used as a staple food during weight loss.

10. Tomatoes

Do you still remember the popular tomato weight-loss method? Generally, girls can feel full after eating 2 tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which can improve the bleakness caused by dieting.

We all know that the human body must maintain the basic skills of the following six nutrients: fat, protein, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and water. Therefore, in the daily weight loss diet, do not blindly diet, pay attention to the reasonable combination of nutrients, and more Eat these 10 foods.


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