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Obesity | Swimming is one of the best fitness methods for obese people

Swimming fitness is one of the most popular nowadays. Nowadays, the scale of people who use swimming fitness is getting bigger and bigger. Many bodybuilders want to try this new fitness method (mainly for aerobic exercise to lose weight), but after all, swimming The difficulty is still very great. Many people are stuck on the first level. That is how to learn to swim. The problem for many people who have not learned to swim is that their lower limbs can't float while swimming, and they are always touching or about to touch the bottom of the water. Then why are so many people not cooperating with exercisers?

These four points may be the reasons that confuse most people

Hold your breath in your chest

Beginners usually have breathing problems when learning to swim, because the pressure in the water is different from the pressure on the land, and there is always a feeling of being squeezed in the chest. Correspondingly, the air cannot spit out as soon as possible after inhalation, and the general way of breathing during swimming is to inhale through the mouth and exhale through the nose, and our control of the nose is far less powerful than the control of the mouth, so After we inhale, we tend to hold our breath in our chest cavity, and then exhale it after a little adaptation. At this time, the buoyancy of the front part of our body will be greater than that of the lower body, and the upper body will float higher, and the lower body will not float easily Up.

For this problem, strengthen the ventilation exercises, exhale the air through the nose as soon as possible after inhaling, and control the time to about 3 seconds, which is conducive to the stability of the body's ventilation.

Did not stretch his hands as far forward as possible

When we are swimming, we can regard our body as a balance, and the hips as a fulcrum. If the upper limbs are not stretched forward as much as possible, the weight of one side (upper limb) of the day will be reduced while the weight of the other side (lower limb) remains unchanged, The lower limbs must sink because of the heavier weight.

How to solve this problem? Of course, after the upper limb movement is completed, try to stretch your hands forward to increase the weight of the upper limb, so that you can pry up the lower limb.

Raise your head too high

I believe that many people are a little afraid of the water when they first learn to swim, especially when the water is under the ears, so they dare not completely submerge their heads in the water, but the head is the link to the beginning of the spine. If the head does not sink, it will be compressed. The lower limbs that connect to the end of the spine sink further down.

The way to solve this problem: usually put your head completely in the big water basin and try to cover your ears to reduce the fear of water. Just submerge your head in the water while floating.

The lower limbs did not relax when the upper limbs were paddling

This problem generally occurs in breaststroke, but breaststroke is the first stroke when learning to swim. The majority of people swim through this stroke. I think it is necessary to remind you. Breaststroke is divided into two stages: upper limb stroke and lower limb stroke. When the upper limb is stroked, the lower limbs are generally in a static state. At this time, the lower limbs are in a stiff state and it is easy to break the balance of the body, just like walking in a robot. Will shake from side to side. It is impossible to make the legs float while swimming. It can be seen that a relaxed state makes it easier for the legs to float. Imagine your body hitting waves like a water snake, and try to relax your body when swimming to help solve the problem.

From the above analysis, we may easily know that there are many reasons why the legs cannot float when swimming. Each of us is in a different situation. Finding out your mistakes and correcting them will make you faster. Learn to swim and enjoy the fun of swimming faster.


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