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Obesity treatment

The intervention of obesity is very difficult, and it takes almost a lifetime. The attitude to be adopted is active prevention and scientific treatment.

It is difficult to actively prevent obesity, so it should be prevented before it happens. First of all, we must make people fully aware of the dangers of obesity and the arduousness of treatment through propaganda, and arouse everyone's awareness of proactively preventing obesity. Secondly, it is necessary to enable people to master certain nutritional knowledge, establish a good lifestyle, and avoid bad life behaviors. In particular, the education of children should not be neglected, so that they can establish a good lifestyle during childhood, to avoid risk factors related to obesity.

Obesity prevention is divided into three levels: primary prevention is to prevent obesity, secondary prevention is to prevent complications, and tertiary prevention is to prevent the hazards of complications.

Determining weight loss targets The treatment of obesity is also called weight loss. It is important to determine weight loss targets. Because the human body weight is composed of two parts: one part is fat weight, the other part is lean body weight, including muscle, skin, bones, organs, body fluids, and other non-fat tissues. And to lose weight is to remove excess fat in the body, not to lose the weight of non-fat tissue. Some people with normal weight or underweight people are also losing weight in pursuit of thinness and skinny appearance. The result of repeated weight loss is to subtract non-fat tissue and reduce the necessary fat content in the body, which is good for health. The side effects are great. Also, some people's weight does not significantly exceed the standard, but the body fat content is large, and excessive accumulation of body fat can easily cause a variety of diseases. These people also need to lose weight.

Treatment goals

The treatment goals of obesity are: cure mild obesity, control moderate obesity, reduce severe obesity and complications.

Treatment method

The treatment of obesity includes diet therapy, exercise therapy, drug therapy, surgical treatment, and gene therapy. Different levels of obesity should adopt different weight loss methods. Mildly obese people focus on changing their bad habits and diet therapy, combined with exercise therapy, and do not need to use drugs to lose weight. People with moderate or above obesity should first emphasize diet therapy, behavior therapy, and appropriate exercise therapy. However, it should be noted that it varies from person to person. Obese patients who have already experienced complications and have a heavy body weight can easily increase the cardiopulmonary burden and joint muscle damage. Therefore, exercise therapy should not be used but should be combined with drug therapy or surgical treatment.

It is not advisable to lose weight to obtain significant results in the short term. Due to short-term rapid weight loss, the body's water is generally reduced, and the body fluid is quickly lost, which easily induces electrolyte disorders, heart, lung, and kidney dysfunction.

Diet therapy

Lose weight by controlling energy intake. Control the intake of fat and sugar, while ensuring that there are enough protein, vitamins, and inorganic salts in the diet to meet the needs of body metabolism. Change unreasonable eating habits, eat only 80% full for dinner, and should not eat any food before going to bed. As the nighttime parasympathetic nervous system is superior, the digestive function is good, and the energy in food is easy to absorb and store. Therefore, the habit of eating supper should be changed, and vegetables and dietary fiber should be increased. Also, drinking water or soup before meals can dilute stomach acid and reduce hunger. Diet therapy is suitable for all obese people and is the most important weight loss measure.

Exercise therapy

Exercise can increase calorie consumption, inhibit fat accumulation, and improve the function of various organs of the body. At present, most of the aerobic exercises, such as fast walking, jogging, aerobics, swimming, ball sports, mountain climbing, rope skipping, etc., are used to excite the sympathetic nerves, reduce plasma insulin, increase the secretion of catecholamines and growth hormones, and promote the fat break down. Don't be overly fatigued, the key is to exercise persistence.

Medical treatment

Drug treatment should be considered in the following situations. Obesity is accompanied by related diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, severe osteoarthritis, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, etc., and obese patients with significantly increased waist circumference should be used Medications can also be considered for those who cannot lose weight by diet and exercise therapy. Obese people with hyper appetite and obvious hunger.

Weight loss drugs mainly include appetite suppressants, which suppress appetite by affecting the synthesis, intake, and release of neurotransmitters, reduce energy intake, energy expenditure agents, stimulate fat oxidation, increase fat decomposition, change basic metabolism, and promote calories Consumption &. The digestive tract energy absorption inhibitor reduces the breakdown and absorption of fat in the intestines by inhibiting the activity of lipase; other weight-loss drugs, such as certain oral hypoglycemic drugs, can not only lower blood sugar but also have the effect of weight loss. When choosing drugs, you must follow the international weight-loss principles, that is, no anorexia, no diarrhea, and weight loss without reducing physical strength.

At present, only the appetite inhibitor sibutramine and the pancrelipase inhibitor orlistat have been recognized for their safety and effectiveness. Medication must be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and medication must not be used blindly.


Surgery for weight loss is not only painful, but also brings different degrees of adverse reactions and complications, so it is generally not recommended. Surgical treatment includes gastrointestinal surgery and local fat removal. The former uses methods such as gastric separation and gastrojejunal shunt to reduce the intake or absorption of nutrients to reduce weight and reduce obesity complications. The latter improves the appearance of the body by removing or suctioning local fat.


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