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Obesity | What is the diet that obese people should pay attention to?

Obesity refers to excessive accumulation of fat in the body, bai weight gain, weight exceeding 20% ​​of ideal body weight or body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25. Those with no obvious cause are called simple obesity, and those with obvious causes are called secondary obesity.

Ideal weight can be calculated according to the formula:
  • Ideal weight (kg) = [height (cm) -105) × 0.9 (male) or Ideal weight (kg) = [height (cm)-100] × 0.85 (female)
  • Body mass index = weight (kg) / height (m) 2

The treatment of obesity should adopt comprehensive treatment, and nutritional therapy should be at the top of comprehensive treatment. Only by long-term adherence to correct, scientific, and comprehensive nutritional therapy, changing unhealthy lifestyles and habits, doing a balanced diet, and increasing moderate exercise on this basis, can the goal of treatment be truly achieved.

1. Control energy supply

The control of energy is not only scientific but also varies from person to person. At present, there are diet therapy, namely low-energy diet; half-starvation therapy, namely ultra-low-energy diet; and fasting and hunger strike therapy. According to different individuals and conditions, stage sexual energy limits can be designed. Dietary energy must be lower than the energy consumed by the human body, that is, a low-energy diet. For obese adults, use 605~1046 kilojoules of negative energy per day to formulate the daily energy supply of three meals, and lose weight steadily 0.5~1.0 kilograms per month; for obese people over middle-aged, the daily negative energy is 2309.57~4619.14 kilojoules. It is advisable to lose weight by 0.5 to 1.0 kg per week. The daily dietary energy supply should be at least 4196.55 kJ, which is the lowest safe level.

2. Limit carbohydrates

Low carbohydrate satiety can easily cause increased appetite. Especially monosaccharide foods, because of their fast digestion and absorption, it is easy to increase the body's sugar load, and the feedback increases insulin, so it should be appropriately restricted. For obesity, the daily carbohydrate energy supply should account for 40% to 50% of the total energy. For severe obesity, carbohydrates should account for 20% of the total energy in the short term, and food with a low glycemic index should be maintained.

3. Ensure protein intake

For those who are moderately obese or above on a low-energy diet, the protein supply should be controlled at 20% to 30% of the total energy. To ensure high-quality protein supply such as lean meat, fish, poultry, etc. With strict restrictions on dietary energy supply, excessive protein supply will be a nutritional risk for liver and kidney function. It is suggested that the supply of protein in the low-energy diet should not be too high.

4. Strictly limit the supply of fat

The daily supply of fat should be controlled at 20%-30% of the total energy, especially saturated fatty acids in animal fat, and cholesterol should be less than 300 mg per day.

5. Supplement vitamins and minerals

Low-energy diets can cause deficiencies in certain vitamins and trace elements. Because most obesity is associated with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, or coronary heart disease, it should be combined with the specific condition of the patient and targeted supplementation of the required vitamins. The common ones are vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin C, and trace elements such as potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc, etc.

6. Choose food

Cereal foods with a low glycemic index such as various wheat foods; soybeans and their products, low-fat milk; various vegetables, and fruits. All kinds of livestock and poultry lean meat, fish, and shrimp, but limited selection.

7. Useless or avoid food

Strictly limit snacks, choose fewer sweets, cakes, and alcohol, especially low-molecular sugar foods such as sucrose, maltose, preserves, etc., and foods rich in saturated fatty acids, such as fatty meat, lard, butter, chicken fat, and animals Internal organs and so on.


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