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Diabetes | 5 hidden health hazards that diabetics must guard against

Everyone knows that diabetes and reproductive disorders are very closely related. Persistent high blood sugar can cause menstrual disorders, cause polycystic ovary syndrome, affect female fertility, etc., let's take a look at the impact of diabetes on reproductive function.

What effect does diabetes have on reproductive function?

1. Diabetes and menstrual disorders

Type 1 diabetes is prone to menstrual disorders, even primary or secondary amenorrhea, and infertility. Insulin resistance appears in patients with type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is related to reproductive function and also increases body fat rate, leading to ovulation dysfunction and abnormal menstrual cycle.

2. Diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common endocrine system disease in women. It is based on body obesity and insulin resistance. This is a pathological state. The patient has ovulation and menstrual dysfunction, and the level of male hormones in the body is high. It will be found on ultrasound examination. Cyst ovary shape. Long-term injection of exogenous insulin and endogenous hyperinsulinemia in patients with type 2 diabetes will increase the risk of diabetes. Obesity, hyperinsulinemia, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes will affect reproductive function and aggravate the symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome. Patients with type 1 diabetes have relatively low liver insulin concentration and are prone to secondary polycystic ovary syndrome, which increases the risk of female infertility.

3. Diabetes and pregnancy loss

Regardless of whether it is type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the risk of complications during pregnancy is extremely high. Diabetes before pregnancy increases the risk of fetal mortality such as stillbirth and spontaneous abortion. Women with type 2 diabetes will increase the risk of stillbirth, as well as congenital malformations and perinatal mortality.

4. Diabetes and giant babies

If the blood sugar control is not good in the third trimester of pregnancy, it is easy to have macrosomia, because persistent high blood sugar will promote the growth of the fetus. With excessive weight gain during pregnancy, patients with type 2 diabetes have large babies, the risk of babies over gestational age and cesarean section may increase. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle before pregnancy and actively control weight to avoid excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

5. Diabetes and pre-eclampsia

Diabetes will increase the risk of preeclampsia during pregnancy, especially in patients with type 1 diabetes, the risk of preeclampsia will increase by more than 2 to 5 times. Women's insulin sensitivity changes after pregnancy and cannot better maintain blood sugar stability. Also, angiogenesis and obesity can increase the risk of abnormal placenta and preeclampsia in pregnant women.


Diabetes patients should go to the Endocrinology Department for related examinations as much as possible, and then become pregnant after reaching the pregnancy standards. At the same time, certain drugs such as oral antihypertensive drugs, hypoglycemic drugs, and lipid-lowering drugs should be stopped, and folic acid should be supplemented in the first three months of pregnancy. The principle of diet after pregnancy not only guarantees the energy needs of pregnant women and fetuses but also maintains the normal range of blood sugar to avoid starvation ketosis. Choose carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, take small meals, and eat 5-6 meals a day. Reasonably control total energy to maintain suitable weight gain. Pregnant women with diabetes mellitus in pregnancy need to control their total daily caloric intake, regularly monitor blood sugar and ketone bodies and appropriately increase exercise. Also, it is necessary to adjust the diet according to the ketone body, blood sugar, and weight gain, exercise status, and gastrointestinal self-perception, limit the intake of carbohydrate food, and supplement enough protein and dietary fiber.


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