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Diabetes | 7 items that diabetic patients must pay attention to

Diabetes is a common disease that we usually have. Nowadays, many people suffer from diabetes. What matters should patients with diabetes pay attention to in daily life? What are the reasons for the onset of diabetes? Does diabetes affect our body What are the hazards?

Diabetes considerations

1. Three meals should be regular

Many diabetics believe that eating less staple foods can prevent blood sugar from rising. But this is not only prone to hypoglycemia, but also promotes the excessive decomposition of body fat and protein, causing weight loss, malnutrition, and even starvation ketosis. Therefore, eat three meals regularly.

2. Limit fat intake

Diabetes itself is a disorder of sugar, fat, and protein metabolism caused by absolute or relative lack of insulin secretion. And because diabetes is easy to merge with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly limit the intake of fatty and high-cholesterol foods such as animal offal, egg yolk, roe, fatty meat, squid, shrimp, crab roe, etc., to avoid aggravating lipid metabolism disorders and hyperlipidemia.

3. Low-protein diet is appropriate

Diabetes is easy to merge with diabetic nephropathy, and excessive protein intake will increase the burden on the kidneys. Therefore, the protein intake of diabetic patients should be appropriate. The American Diabetes Association recommends that the daily protein intake of diabetic patients should be limited to 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight.

4. Stay away from tobacco and alcohol

People who smoke can damage many organs, especially the cardiovascular system. If a diabetic smokes, it will make the situation worse and will only make the condition worse.

5. Be cautious when eating out

When dining out, take hypoglycemic agents 20-30 minutes before eating. When ordering, try not to choose deep-fried, oily, candied, or smoked dishes. Drinks can be tea, mineral water, soda water, and do not drink sweet drinks.

6. Exercise properly

People who lack exercise are also prone to develop diabetes. Exercise can not only burn calories and reduce obesity but also increase insulin sensitivity. Those who lack exercise are a target of diabetes. If you want timely prevention, Usually take part in sports activities.

Besides, the risk of heart disease will increase. If you experience chest tightness, abnormal dizziness, blurred vision, or nausea, you should stop exercising and seek medical attention immediately. When the blood sugar is higher than 240mg/dl (13.3mmol/L), ketone bodies may appear, and they cannot participate in the exercise.

7. Take good care of your skin and feet

Prevent trauma, burns, scalds, bacteria, and fungal infections; after the skin is bitten by mosquitoes, do not scratch hard to avoid secondary infections, use anti-itch medicine to relieve it; wash the feet with warm water and dry them in time to keep the skin between the toes Dry and clean; wear footwear and socks should be loose and suitable, moisture-absorbing and breathable, dry and clean; tinea pedis should be treated in time.


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