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Diabetes | What are the nine most serious complications of diabetes?

Diabetes, one of the most common diseases, suffers from weight loss. In the early stage of diabetes, because the symptoms of the disease are not obvious, it is mostly ignored by the patients, and the best treatment time is often delayed.  When most diabetic patients are discovered and treated, their condition has already developed to the middle and late stages. Moreover, diabetes not only seriously affects the normal work and life of patients, but also threatens the lives of patients at any time. The most serious is the complications of diabetes and the functional damage of the whole body, which makes the patients' lives escape into darkness!

The nine most serious complications of diabetes

1. Diabetic sexual dysfunction

Most diabetic patients have sexual dysfunction such as impotence, premature ejaculation, low libido, menstrual disorders, etc., which can occur at the same time as the symptoms of diabetes, but most appear after the symptoms of diabetes.

2. Diabetic neuropathy

In the state of hyperglycemia, nerve cells and nerve fibers are prone to disease. The clinical manifestations are spontaneous pain, numbness, and hypoesthesia in the limbs. Individual patients have local muscle weakness and muscle atrophy. Autonomic dysfunction is manifested as diarrhea, constipation, urinary retention, impotence, and so on.

3. Diabetic cerebral thrombosis

The survey shows that the incidence of cerebral thrombosis in diabetic patients is 12 times that of non-diabetic patients. Diabetes due to increased blood sugar. It can make blood thicker and increase platelet aggregation. The blood flow is slow, and cerebral thrombosis is very prone to occur.

4. Diabetic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

Diabetics are often accompanied by high blood lipids, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis, and are very susceptible to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

5. Diabetic eye disease

The most common is diabetic retinopathy, which is an important cause of blindness caused by diabetes, followed by diabetic cataract, which is also the most common comorbidity of diabetes destroying vision.

6. Diabetic nephropathy

Also known as diabetic glomerulosclerosis, is a common and refractory microvascular complication of diabetes. Common kidney damage is diabetic glomerulosclerosis, arterioles nephrosclerosis, pyelonephritis, renal papilla Necrosis, urine protein, etc. It is also one of the main causes of death from diabetes.

7. Diabetic foot

Diabetic patients are collectively referred to as diabetic foot because of peripheral neuropathy, the insufficient blood supply to the lower limbs, and bacterial infections that cause foot pain, ulcers, and gangrene.

8. Infection

The high blood sugar state of diabetic patients is conducive to the growth and reproduction of bacteria in the body. At the same time, the high blood sugar state also inhibits the ability of white blood cells to swallow bacteria, which reduces the patient's ability to resist infection.

9. Ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis mostly occurs when insulin-dependent diabetes is untreated, treatment is interrupted or there is stress.

Most of the final cause of death for diabetic patients is not diabetes itself. Diabetic complications have become the last straw to crush diabetic patients. After understanding the nine most serious complications of diabetes, everyone should strengthen their medical awareness to prevent diabetes. In daily life, if you have similar symptoms in the early stage of diabetes, you should go to the hospital for diagnosis in time, and if you are diagnosed, you must go to the hospital. Regular treatment. Due to the long treatment cycle of diabetes, patients with diabetes must follow the doctor's advice, adhere to the treatment, and maintain a good attitude to face the disease!


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