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Exercise | The healthiest way to exercise

Life lies in exercise, but exercise also needs to find a way that suits you. Only scientific exercise can play a role in health care. So what are the healthiest exercise methods?

The healthiest way to exercise

1. The healthiest way of aerobic exercise

1.1 Various aerobic exercises

I do not recommend that beginners or friends with poor physical conditions do aerobic exercises to lose weight. It is too simple to meet heart rate requirements. The more complicated ones have higher requirements for physical strength, flexibility, and flexibility. Most people do it at all. No, if the movements are not in place, there is no effect, and it is easy to cause injuries. Although there are all kinds of very attractive aerobic exercises, I suggest that friends without physical conditions should not use aerobic exercises as a way to lose weight.

1.2 swimming

Swimming is a good way to lose weight, and it is also a good systemic exercise, and it is very effective in improving cardiopulmonary function, but many people are not good at swimming, so you can use brisk walking in the swimming pool instead, which is very effective in improving heart rate. it is good. However, friends who know how to swim should also pay attention to using swimming to lose weight. It is not a swimming competition. Do not pursue speed. It is enough to meet the heart rate requirements. At the same time, you must also pay attention to sufficient oxygen uptake.

1.3 running (walking fast)

Outdoor running will be restricted by the environment. It is also good to choose a treadmill. Letting go of the hands of the treadmill can increase the oxygen utilization rate by 8% and the heart rate by 5%. Of course, you must first release the handrails under the premise of ensuring balance. A treadmill with a certain slope can improve weight loss.

1.4 skipping rope

Rope skipping is simple and easy to learn, and the equipment is simple. You can exercise in a small area. It is a very good aerobic exercise. It can be said to be good and cheap. Rope skipping can increase heart rate and breathing rate in a few minutes and can reduce weight in a short time...

2. The healthiest way of anaerobic exercise

2.1 race

Anaerobic exercise refers to the high-speed and vigorous exercise of the muscles in a state of "anoxia". Both 100-meter and 200-meter sprints are anaerobic exercises. From the sports point of view, sprinting can make people sweat a lot and can have the effect of losing weight. Because these items mainly consume creatine phosphate and adenosine triphosphate. Sprinting depends on persistence, to consume fat.

2.2 Weightlifting

Weightlifting can increase protein synthesis in the body, increase muscle mass, and improve basic metabolism. The principle of exercises like dumbbell exercises is to achieve the exercise effect by applying a load to the muscles.

2.3 Long jump

The technical aspects of the long jump mainly include approach, take-off, flight, and landing. These movements have high exercise intensity and can consume body fat well.

3. What are the benefits of regular exercise

Researchers pointed out that exercise will bring certain health benefits, including aerobic exercise, cycling, football, wallball, running, and swimming. At the same time, the researcher conducted a survey of 80,306 British adults and found that aerobic exercise, cycling Exercise, wallball, and swimming can reduce the risk of individual death, and the reduced risk ratios are 27%, 15%, 47%, and 28%, respectively.

Compared with people who have never or rarely participated in sports, individuals with higher overall sports and exercise levels will reduce the risk of death by 34%. However, general evidence is not sufficient to indicate that all exercise methods have the same impact on health. A review article in 2015 clarified the different effects of 26 sports on health benefits. Researchers gave strong evidence that running and football can improve heart function, aerobic metabolism, metabolism, and balance. As well as weight status, football is also beneficial to the performance of muscle function, and the health benefits brought by other sports methods besides running and football may not be consistent.

What are the principles of healthy exercise?

1. Security principle

This is the first principle of fitness, which refers to ensuring that exercisers do not occur or avoid sports injury accidents as much as possible during exercise. It is especially important for the elderly. At least regular physical function checks should be done. Not only do physical examinations before exercise, but also during long-term exercise, do physical examinations at least once a year to adjust fitness programs in time.

2. The principle of overload

This refers to the continuous increase in exercise load. Over-recovery is the theoretical basis of the principle of overload. After a period of exercise, physical function and athletic ability can exceed the previous level within a certain period, which is called excessive recovery. Only by continuously exceeding the previous exercise load can the body function and exercise ability be continuously improved.

3. The principle of gradual progress

This principle emphasizes that according to one's degree of adaptation to exercise, gradually increase the exercise load to make the body function steadily improve. The improvement of bodily functions requires a certain process. Therefore, do not rush for success. Ensure that the energy consumed by the body during exercise is restored, fatigue is eliminated, and bodily functions are fully restored and reach the level of excess recovery.

What to pay attention to in the healthy exercise

1. Don't drink too cold beverages

Many people sweat profusely after exercise. As the body discharges a lot of water, what people need most after exercise is to drink water, especially some young people. To be happy and enjoyable, they will drink some iced water during the drinking process. Of water. If we immediately introduce cold water or introduce a lot of water to cool the body, it will tighten the skin, its body temperature will not be regulated and other diseases, and if the immunity is reduced, it will cause colds, diarrhea, and asthma.

2. Can't standstill

Many people are exhausted after exercising. The most desired thing at this time is to lie on the ground, but during vigorous exercise, your heartbeat and blood flow are accelerated, and suddenly you receive a static state. The contrast is too great, the body is prone to emergency response, at this time you will experience dizziness is a sign. So after strenuous exercise, exercise should be slow, so that the heartbeat and blood flow have a buffer process.


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