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Fitness | Winter indoor fitness considerations

It's winter, but do you know how people who choose to exercise in winter should protect their health? Let’s take a look at the precautions for winter fitness today.

1. Keep warm

Even indoor fitness in winter, you must pay attention to keeping warm. If you sweat too much and the indoor temperature is too low, it may cause colds and other diseases, which is bad for fitness, bad for muscles, and even worse for health. Therefore, when exercising, turn on the air conditioner to a suitable temperature.

2. Sports protection

In winter, people’s muscles are easily affected by temperature and can cause strains or cramps, so you must remember to protect yourself during exercise. It is recommended that you use small tools, including knee pads and wrist guards. And various protection measures tools.

3. Don't be able

Winter sports cannot be achieved. If you exercise too much and you do not have the body temperature to return to normal body temperature, you will go out of the room. At this time, it will definitely cause muscle discomfort and may cause strong cramps. The phenomenon, or more serious muscle problems.

4. Warm-up preparation

In winter sports, warm-up movements are indispensable. If your warm-up movements are too few, you may start the exercise before the muscles are fully opened, and the muscles cannot adapt to such exercises, and there will be Muscle strains, cramps, and other problems.

5. Strength exercise

In winter, because you also need some strength exercises, and during strength exercises, remember that you can no longer exercise in the same way as in summer. Of course, the movements can be done, but it is recommended that the weight can be reduced, which is also avoided. Unnecessary trouble caused by too much clothing.

Precautions for indoor fitness in winter:

When you exercise in winter, you should pay more attention to things than in summer. It is recommended that everyone can better follow the advice of the coach. And after taking a shower, do not go out prematurely, you should use a hairdryer to dry your hair before coming out, to avoid the invasion of diseases.


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