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Hypertension | 5 performance hints that the blood pressure problem may be more serious

There are 5 manifestations of hypertension patients, indicating that the blood pressure problem may be more serious, pay attention to it in time.

Hypertension has always been a problem of great concern to people. It poses a great threat to our health. Simple emotional changes may cause blood pressure to rise and cause various discomforts. In normal times, we must do a good job of corresponding preventive work, and we can take corresponding measures in time if problems arise. What kind of symptoms does the body show that indicate that high blood pressure is already serious?

1. Dizziness and tinnitus

If hypertensive patients often have dizziness and tinnitus, they should pay more attention. At this time, the situation is already very serious. Generally, most hypertensive patients will have dizziness, mainly because the blood pressure has not dropped for a long time, which causes the brain to not get enough blood, resulting in dizziness. And high blood pressure will also have a certain impact on the inner ear artery because the insufficient blood supply affects the auditory nerve, the patient will experience tinnitus.

2. Headache

Headache is something that everyone encounters. If you have high blood pressure, and the headache manifests as dull pain or fullness for a long time, you need to pay attention. High blood pressure for a long time will cause the body's blood vessels to dilate, and the arterial walls will be severely irritated, causing headaches. At the same time, patients may also experience nausea and vomiting.

3. Chest tightness

Because the blood pressure is maintained at a relatively high state for a long time, the flow of cardiovascular blood will also slow down, which leads to ischemia and hypoxia in the human body and a series of heart problems. Because hypertension is very harmful to the coronary arteries, it will cause the insufficient blood supply to the myocardium, causing patients to experience uncomfortable reactions such as arrhythmia and chest tightness.

4. Blurred vision

Generally, patients with hypertension have certain vision problems, but if they find that they suddenly become very unclear about what they see, it may be that the condition of hypertension has become worse. High blood pressure will cause great harm to the blood vessels in the fundus, and may even cause problems in the retina, which will have a great impact on vision.

5. Insomnia

Many hypertensive patients have difficulty falling asleep at night. Even if they enter sleep, they will wake up immediately after a little noise, and their sleep quality is very poor. If you also have this situation, you need to pay more attention. If the problem of insomnia cannot be solved for a long time, hypertension will become more and more serious.

If you also have high blood pressure, you must pay more attention to the above symptoms. It is best to go to the hospital for related examinations immediately. Pay more attention to your own diet and refuse to eat high-fat foods. Besides, try to keep your emotions stable and don't be overjoyed or sad, so as not to affect your blood pressure.


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