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Myopia | Nine ways to relieve myopia

For myopia, how to improve vision is a big problem. Practice these nine ways to improve your eyesight every day to make your eyes relax.

1. Blink more. 

When your eyes feel tired, you may wish to blink a few more times to make your eyes move.

2. Use a hot towel to compress the eyes.

After a day of work or study, your eyes are already tired. It is better to lie on the bed and put a hot towel on your eyes. Your eyes will feel particularly comfortable. When you take off the towel, everything in front of you will feel so bright.

3. do more sunbathing, so that your eyes are bathed in warm sunlight to relieve eye fatigue.

4. Stare at a bright spot without moving. Do this for 20 minutes to train your eyes to focus.

5. Do more eye exercises. 

When the eyes are opened slowly, it is comfortable.

6. The breathing method.

After using our eyes for a long time, we should stop and rest. Relax both physically and mentally, then look straight ahead, slowly inhale while slowly widening your eyes; then slowly exhale, and slowly close your eyes. Do this several times in a row, each time lasting for half a minute.

7. In the blink of an eye.

Before going to bed, rest your tired eyes. First look at your chin with your eyes, then turn your eyeballs clockwise for 5 times, then switch to the other direction and turn your eyes counterclockwise for another 5 times. A total of ten laps can be done 3-5 times. You can turn your eyes closed, or you can turn your eyes open. Every time you turn, your eyes should turn as hard as you can, without leaving the room. This can exercise the eye muscles and make the eyes more vibrant.

8. Long-distance viewing method.

Because green has a shorter wavelength, it relaxes the eyes and reduces fatigue. So we all like to put some green plants in our office and home. After watching TV, playing with mobile phones, and reading books for a long time, we can choose a green plant in the distance and stare at it for about 20 seconds, and try not to blink and squint. Then choose an object close to us to look at for 20 seconds, and loop back and forth 10 times, which is very good for the eyes.

9. Eat more purple foods, such as purple cabbage, purple potatoes, purple grapes, blueberries, etc., and eat fewer sweets.


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