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Showing posts with the label health

Hypertension | The harm and prevention of hypertension by "Health popularization Knowledge"

In modern society, people's pace of life is accelerated, the pressure is greater, coupled with reduced activities, rich diet, hypertension patients are more and more. Early hypertension may be asymptomatic or symptoms are not obvious, as the course of the disease is prolonged, the blood pressure obviously continues to rise, gradually appear a variety of symptoms. In hypertensive patients, the continuous increase of arterial pressure leads to systemic arteriolosclerosis, which affects the blood supply of tissues and organs and causes a variety of serious consequences, among which the damage to the heart, brain, kidney, and peripheral blood vessels is the most significant. The dangers of hypertension. 1. Heart damage. The damage of hypertension to the heart is mainly manifested in the following two aspects: first, the damage to the blood vessels of the heart. Hypertension mainly damages the coronary arteries of the heart, gradually causes coronary atherosclerosis and the occurrence o

Hypertension | Why is blood pressure higher in the morning than at other times?

The rise in morning peak blood pressure refers to the average systolic blood pressure within 2h after getting up in the morning minus the lowest systolic blood pressure at night (the average of three systolic blood pressure before and after the lowest blood pressure at night)≥35mmHg.The incidence of morning peak blood pressure increase in the elderly in another country is 21.6%, and hypertension patients are more common than normal people. 1.Lifestyle intervention. This includes giving up smoking and limiting alcohol, eating a low-salt diet, avoiding mood fluctuations, keeping a good sleep at night, staying in bed for a while after getting up in the morning, slowing down the movement of getting up, and avoiding more vigorous activities immediately after getting up. 2.Drug therapy. The long-term antihypertensive drugs with stable blood pressure for 24 hours can control the large fluctuation of blood pressure in the morning and reduce the increase of morning peak blood pressure caused by

Hypertension | Fruit suitable for old people

Over time, everyone gets old. Everyone has periods of physical weakness, weakened immune system, slow blood vessel flow, and slow cell growth -- old people. The elderly due to organ function decline, the body is gradually under, the appropriate fruit is not only good for the health of the elderly but also can make the elderly glow, strengthen the body resistance, live longer. What kind of fruit should the old people eat? 1. hawthorn: Hawthorn has the role of blood circulation, is the blood dysmenorrhea diet of patients. It can enhance the body's immunity, anti-aging, and anti-cancer effect, very suitable for the elderly to eat. Also suit a woman to eat very much, eat hawthorn to be able to eliminate adipose inside body, reduce adipose absorption effect, the woman that loves the United States to notice a figure again, also can eat a bit of hawthorn more at ordinary times, good to the figure. 2. shan zhu: Shenzhen is very suitable for old people because components are a tropical frui