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Lose weight | 4 ways to lose weight in the office

People who sit in the office for a long time are prone to gain weight. I believe everyone knows that it is caused by excessive stress and the inability to exercise. Moreover, the three meals of office workers are usually solved by various take-out fast food, so office workers are more likely to gain weight than others. So what are the best ways to lose weight for office workers in the office? 1. Lean back to lose weight Sit upright on the chair, put your hands together on your chest, then inhale, tilt your head back, rely on the strength of your back to drive the upper body to lean back as hard as you can while inhaling. Note that you can apply force to your palms when you put your hands together. This has a good breast enhancement effect, and the elbows should not be raised, and the front two arms should be kept in a straight line so that the effect of thinning the stomach is better. Tip: If the cervical spine is not good, don't force it back, just moderately, and tighten the musc

Obesity | The eight major harms caused by obesity

From the perspective of modern medicine, obesity is not a blessing, but a curse. First, it causes cumbersome posture, inconvenience, and psychological obstacles; second, the cost of food, clothing, housing, and transportation increases; and third, it brings all kinds of fatal diseases and even causes early death. Among them, the most harmful effect of obesity is that it can lead to a series of serious complications, such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, coronary heart disease, malignant tumors, etc. These diseases are the main killers of human health. In general, obesity itself is not fatal, but diabetes, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. that are easily complicated by obesity can really reduce life expectancy. Therefore, we both oppose blind weight loss, and do not advocate "nourishing fat and accumulating fat", but should try our best to make the fat and lean moderate. That is to say, you must calculate your ideal weight according to your specific si

Obesity | Five ways to prevent obesity

Being fat will not only make your body look bad, but your appearance will also become ugly. If you can't wear beautiful clothes, it will bring many diseases, so it is recommended that you try not to get fat, so is there any way to prevent obesity? Five ways to prevent obesity 1. Supplement fiber in time In our daily diet, eat more high-fiber foods and fiber-rich foods, which can help our intestinal peristalsis, improve intestinal digestion, help us consume food better, and prevent obesity. For example, oats, celery, spinach, etc. 2. Choose organic food for consumption Nowadays, environmental pollution is getting more and more serious. Food health is always the focus of people’s attention. You can keep your weight while feeling belly. 3. Learn to release stress Stress is an important cause of obesity. The overwork and fatness reported some time ago are caused by excessive stress. Work pressure and life pressure, we must learn to release to resolve, improve this state, and keep fat a

Lose weight | Can skipping rope lose weight? How to skip rope correctly?

Rope skipping is a relatively common sport. Many friends in life like to go and jump rope when nothing is wrong or play a rope skipping competition with three or two friends. Some friends skip rope for purely physical activity, while others skip rope for weight loss. So if skipping rope is used to lose weight, what is the effect? Can skipping rope really lose weight? If you rely on skipping to lose weight, how to skip rope correctly to achieve the goal of weight loss? In fact, there are many ways to lose weight, and there are countless simple weight-loss exercises. Today I will show you whether you can achieve weight loss by skipping rope. Rope skipping seems to be a very simple exercise, it is not only suitable for children, but also for some adults. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the diet is also diverse. Many friends cannot control their appetite, leading to overeating, or having some bad living habits, leading to more and more body fat. Rope skipp

Lose weight | How to run scientifically to lose weight

There are many ways to lose weight, such as diet control, yoga, and so on. So about running to lose weight, don’t touch a few misunderstandings. Scientific running to lose weight ● Before exercise, you should stretch your body and do adequate preparations. ●  When starting to practice jogging, the amount of exercise should be gradual. You can alternate between jogging and walking. The distance should not be too long. After practicing for a period of time, the body gradually adapts to jogging and can reduce walking until all jogging. ●  After getting used to jogging, find the best running speed without fatigue. Before running, the sole of the foot first touches the ground and transitions to the full sole touch of the ground. ●  Keep rhythmic breathing while running. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Gradually transition to breathing at the same time as the nose and mouth. ●  To expand lung capacity, apply abdominal breathing. (When inhaling, the abdomen bulges, whe

Obesity | Can people who have a large weight base and are troubled by obesity use running as a long-term exercise?

Running is a sport that everyone is very familiar with. This sport is easy to operate without any complicated equipment, as long as you have a pair of comfortable running shoes. Many people also regard running as a long-term fitness exercise, and they will regularly perform running training in their daily lives. For most people, long-term running is very beneficial to our physical health. It not only helps to move muscles and bones but also Can enhance muscle vitality and improve sleep quality. Running as an aerobic exercise, after reaching a certain length of training, can also play a role in burning body fat. Many people also use it as one of the necessary training items for weight loss. With so many benefits of running, is it really suitable for everyone? Through this article you will get: Are obese people suitable for long-term running Preparations for obese people before long-term running How to stay away from obesity Are obese people suitable for long-term running As we all know,

Obesity | Swimming is one of the best fitness methods for obese people

Swimming fitness is one of the most popular nowadays. Nowadays, the scale of people who use swimming fitness is getting bigger and bigger. Many bodybuilders want to try this new fitness method (mainly for aerobic exercise to lose weight), but after all, swimming The difficulty is still very great. Many people are stuck on the first level. That is how to learn to swim. The problem for many people who have not learned to swim is that their lower limbs can't float while swimming, and they are always touching or about to touch the bottom of the water. Then why are so many people not cooperating with exercisers? These four points may be the reasons that confuse most people Hold your breath in your chest Beginners usually have breathing problems when learning to swim, because the pressure in the water is different from the pressure on the land, and there is always a feeling of being squeezed in the chest. Correspondingly, the air cannot spit out as soon as possible after inhalation, and