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Hypertension | What are the types of hypertension?

Hypertension is currently one of the most common clinical diseases. We often hear about essential hypertension, pregnancy-induced hypertension, etc.  So how are hypertension classified and what types are there? The most common clinical types of hypertension are classified according to the cause, including primary and secondary. Secondary hypertension has a clear cause. If these causes are removed or controlled, blood pressure will return to normal. Therefore, the most important thing for this type of hypertension is to find the cause. Secondary hypertension can be divided into endocrine, renal, pregnancy, sleep apnea, and so on. The lesions of endocrine hypertension are mainly the adrenal glands, while renal hypertension is caused by renal vascular stenosis or glomerular and renal tubular lesions. Hypertension during pregnancy is hypertension that occurs during pregnancy, and apnea is caused by When sleeping, the respiratory tract is blocked, blood oxygen saturation is reduced, and hy

Hypertension | 6 daily conditioning principles for hypertension!

Hypertension is not a minor disease. It is closely related to genetic irregularities and excessive smoking and drinking. If you want to control your blood pressure well, you must grasp the daily routine. 1. Quit smoking and drinking Smoking and drinking are the triggers of cardiovascular disease. Because nicotine can constrict blood vessels, increase the heart rate, and increase blood pressure. Drinking alcohol is also very detrimental to blood pressure control. 2. Control your diet Daily intake of salt is not more than 6 grams, because salt will cause water retention in the body, resulting in increased blood volume, which will increase the load on the heart. A daily diet with less salt, fewer sweets, and less fat, try to choose steamed and boiled instead of frying. Patients with hypertension often have accidents during defecation, which is also one of the preventions of hypertension. 3. Regular physical examination For the elderly, a physical examination including blood sugar, blood l

Lose weight | How to lose weight the fastest and most effective in winter, three aspects to keep you away from fat

In the cold winter, many friends have the habit of tonic, but if you eat too much, you will gain weight. What should you do if you gain weight? How to lose weight in winter is the fastest and most effective? Share three ways to stay away from fat. How to lose weight the fastest and most effective: exercise 1. Floor exercise What kind of indoor exercise is the most weight-loss? Push-ups and sit-ups can be said to be the simplest and most effective weight-loss exercises, and in any case, they will not be considered outdated two effective weight-loss exercises. Push-ups can better exercise the muscles of the chest, abdomen, and arms, while sit-ups can mainly exercise the waist and abdomen. 2. Climb stairs frequently Jogging along the stairs is a very effective aerobic exercise. The specific method is: climb 6-12 steps at the fastest speed and rest for 2-3 minutes after each run. This exercise is repeated. If you want to exercise your legs, you might as well try to skip one step at a time,

Lose weight | During the fat loss period, get rid of these 7 bad habits to lose weight

When you are overweight, you need to control your weight reasonably. Only by maintaining a reasonable weight can your health be guaranteed. If the weight is overweight and the weight is not controlled in time, it may cause certain chronic diseases and even increase the physical burden. So, what bad habits need to be changed during weight loss, to lose weight? 1. Stay up late In the process of losing weight, some bad habits need to be changed in time. For example, it is not advisable to stay up late. In the case of staying up late, the body's metabolism is slow after insufficient sleep, which may lead to excessive obesity. If you can ensure adequate sleep, go to bed early and get up early, your body's metabolism will speed up, and weight can be reasonably controlled. 2. Drinking In the process of weight loss, alcohol should be avoided. Many people usually have a bad habit of drinking a lot. Excessive intake of alcohol is also detrimental to health and may cause obesity due to ex

Obesity | Major diseases caused by obesity

The dangers of obesity The World Health Organization declared in the last century that "obesity has increasingly become a global disease affecting human health." Entering the 21st century, obesity is clearly recognized as the world's largest chronic disease, and it is listed as the world's four major medical and social problems alongside AIDS, poison anesthesia, and alcohol addiction, and is the enemy of human health. Major diseases caused by obesity 1. Coronary heart disease Because of the increase in fat and weight, the oxygen and nutrients consumed by the body also need to increase. This requires the heart to work extra hard, strengthen contraction, and transport more blood to transport enough blood to the various tissues and organs of the body to meet the needs of the body. This greatly increases the burden on the heart, affects the function of the heart, and increases the risk of heart disease. This is especially obvious for women, obesity is more likely to cause

Lose weight | The top 10 foods recognized by the weight loss circle, eat openly during weight loss!

During weight loss, strict diet control is required, but it does not mean that you need to go on a diet, but to adjust the entire diet structure. Although dieting is the fastest way to lose weight, it is also the easiest to rebound when it is unhealthy. The following 10 foods can be eaten open during the weight-loss period without starving. 1. Avocado The sugar content of avocado pulp is extremely low, which is one-fifth of the sugar content of bananas. It is rich in vitamin E, magnesium, linoleic acid, and essential fatty acids. It is a holy product for weight loss that integrates fruit, grain, and oil. Many countries regard it as a treasure in the fruit. Guinness World Records even ranks avocado as the most nutritious fruit. It also has natural beauty effects. It is rich in glyceric acid, protein, and vitamins. It is a natural anti-oxidant and aging agent. It not only softens and moisturizes our skin but also reduces pores. 2. Oats Oats are rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can en

Obesity treatment

The intervention of obesity is very difficult, and it takes almost a lifetime. The attitude to be adopted is active prevention and scientific treatment. It is difficult to actively prevent obesity, so it should be prevented before it happens. First of all, we must make people fully aware of the dangers of obesity and the arduousness of treatment through propaganda, and arouse everyone's awareness of proactively preventing obesity. Secondly, it is necessary to enable people to master certain nutritional knowledge, establish a good lifestyle, and avoid bad life behaviors. In particular, the education of children should not be neglected, so that they can establish a good lifestyle during childhood, to avoid risk factors related to obesity. Obesity prevention is divided into three levels: primary prevention is to prevent obesity, secondary prevention is to prevent complications, and tertiary prevention is to prevent the hazards of complications. Determining weight loss targets The trea