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Lose weight | 30 minutes of fat burning exercise every day to help you lose weight

Exercise for 30 minutes a day to make the body sweat more, not only to help lose weight but also to health. 1. Brisk walking Brisk walking can strengthen the body, enhance the body's resistance, but also accelerate the consumption of calories, help lose weight, and prevent obesity. Adults' brisk walking for 30 to 40 minutes a day is good for digestion and metabolism. Walking briskly every day can prevent the accumulation of fat. Friends who want to lose weight may wish to walk briskly for more than 30 minutes a day. 2. Swimming Swimming can promote weight loss. The metabolism speeds up during swimming. If you want to achieve the effect of weight loss, it is best to swim for more than 40 minutes each time, because sugar is the first energy source for the human body. About 30 minutes after the sugar is consumed, the fat starts to be broken down. To lose weight, stick to at least 40 minutes every time you swim. 3. Skipping rope Rope skipping can not only lose weight but also shape

Lost weight | How to eat dinner if you want to lose weight?

Many people now have physical obesity, especially belly obesity. As we all know, the main reason for obesity is that too many calories are taken in, but cannot be consumed, so that calories accumulate in the body and obesity occurs. Therefore, some people want to lose their big belly by skipping dinner. So, can you lose your belly if you skip dinner? Can I lose my belly without dinner? If you find that your abdomen is obese and you have accumulated a lot of fat in your belly, you should first reasonably control your weight. It is not advisable to reduce your belly and skip dinner. Although skipping dinner can reduce calorie intake, which is helpful for weight loss, you may feel that your weight has dropped after skipping dinner for a period of time, and your belly can also be reduced, but long-term skipping dinner will bring Obvious physical damage. If the human body wants to maintain a healthy state, it needs to pay attention to the regularity of three meals a day, and dinner is an im

Obesity | What is the diet that obese people should pay attention to?

Obesity refers to excessive accumulation of fat in the body, bai weight gain, weight exceeding 20% ​​of ideal body weight or body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25. Those with no obvious cause are called simple obesity, and those with obvious causes are called secondary obesity. Ideal weight can be calculated according to the formula: Ideal weight (kg) = [height (cm) -105) × 0.9 (male)  or Ideal weight (kg) = [height (cm)-100] × 0.85 (female) Body mass index = weight (kg) / height (m) 2 The treatment of obesity should adopt comprehensive treatment, and nutritional therapy should be at the top of comprehensive treatment. Only by long-term adherence to correct, scientific, and comprehensive nutritional therapy, changing unhealthy lifestyles and habits, doing a balanced diet, and increasing moderate exercise on this basis, can the goal of treatment be truly achieved. 1. Control energy supply The control of energy is not only scientific but also varies from person to person. At present, there are diet

Cancer | Correctly assess the prognostic effect of breast cancer

With the acceleration of the pace of modern life, more and more diseases have occurred. For women, breast cancer is a disease with greater impact and harm. The treatment of breast cancer is often surgical treatment plus radiotherapy and chemotherapy. So what is the prognostic effect of breast cancer? What factors will affect the prognosis of breast cancer? Breast cancer can be invasive and fatal, and there are also relatively slow progressing and recurrence and metastasis in the late stage. Stages of breast cancer The involvement of axillary lymph nodes and the size of the primary tumor are important factors affecting the survival of breast cancer patients. 1. Lymph nodes The presence or absence of lymph node metastasis is one of the important factors to judge the prognosis of tumor patients. Studies have shown that before receiving current surgical adjuvant treatment, the 5-year survival rate of breast cancer patients after a radical mastectomy is 65%, and the 10-year survival rate is

Breast cancer survivor health guide

This guide was a review of previous literature by multidisciplinary experts. Based on 237 articles, this guide was drafted to guide primary care physicians and other healthcare providers on the care of breast cancer survivors. The guidelines are recommended in five aspects: monitoring breast cancer recurrence, screening for second primary cancers, evaluating and managing the long-term and late effects of breast cancer and treatment on the body and mind, health promotion, and coordinated care/practical significance. How to monitor breast cancer recurrence? According to the survivor’s age, diagnosis, and the treatment plan recommended by the oncologist, individualized clinical follow-up care will be developed; for the first 3 years after the basic treatment, checkups will be conducted every 3-6 months, including cancer-related medical history, physical examination, and Breast examinations will be performed every 6-12 months for the next 2 years, and once a year thereafter. Screening for

Breast cancer | Six suggestions to reduce the risk of breast cancer

Many cancers will find women, such as cervical cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, thyroid cancer, etc. Among them, the incidence of breast cancer has increased significantly in recent years, and everyone knows that breast cancer The harm caused to patients should not be underestimated. Therefore, to avoid the "harassment" of breast cancer by the majority of female friends, the following will give a detailed introduction to the prevention methods of breast cancer. Female friends can take a moment to understand. In fact, it is very simple to prevent breast cancer, that is, try to avoid those factors that can induce breast cancer, and then have regular physical examinations. The specific content is as follows: 1. Treatment of breast diseases such as mastitis or breast hyperplasia in time Some women pay little attention to the treatment of breast diseases. In fact, the occurrence of breast cancer requires a long process. It may be mastitis or breast hyperp

Cancer | If you have these 3 symptoms, be wary of breast cancer

I n daily life, breast cancer is a common gynecological disease, it seriously affects women's life and health, and also threatens life safety. In fact, the effect of early detection and treatment of breast cancer is very good, the reason why many people eventually develop into the middle and late stages, the keyword is "procrastination." Gynecological diseases dragged out, breast hyperplasia left unchecked, etc. may lead to breast cancer. Therefore, "breast cancer" is mostly dragged out. If there are these 3 "phenomena" in the initial stage, seek medical treatment in time! 1. Pain and stiffness in the armpits Generally, we all know that once cancer appears, there will be pain, and the place where it appears is not the same, so in many cases, it will appear first in the armpit, and the area will generally be small, and the outside will not feel so soft. Of course, the skin is not There will be changes, and with the severity of the disease, the area will