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Diabetes | 5 hidden health hazards that diabetics must guard against

Everyone knows that diabetes and reproductive disorders are very closely related. Persistent high blood sugar can cause menstrual disorders, cause polycystic ovary syndrome, affect female fertility, etc., let's take a look at the impact of diabetes on reproductive function. What effect does diabetes have on reproductive function? 1. Diabetes and menstrual disorders Type 1 diabetes is prone to menstrual disorders, even primary or secondary amenorrhea, and infertility. Insulin resistance appears in patients with type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance is related to reproductive function and also increases body fat rate, leading to ovulation dysfunction and abnormal menstrual cycle. 2. Diabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome Polycystic ovary syndrome is a common endocrine system disease in women. It is based on body obesity and insulin resistance. This is a pathological state. The patient has ovulation and menstrual dysfunction, and the level of male hormones in the body is high. It will b

Diabetes | What are the nine most serious complications of diabetes?

Diabetes, one of the most common diseases, suffers from weight loss. In the early stage of diabetes, because the symptoms of the disease are not obvious, it is mostly ignored by the patients, and the best treatment time is often delayed.  When most diabetic patients are discovered and treated, their condition has already developed to the middle and late stages. Moreover, diabetes not only seriously affects the normal work and life of patients, but also threatens the lives of patients at any time. The most serious is the complications of diabetes and the functional damage of the whole body, which makes the patients' lives escape into darkness! The nine most serious complications of diabetes 1. Diabetic sexual dysfunction Most diabetic patients have sexual dysfunction such as impotence, premature ejaculation, low libido, menstrual disorders, etc., which can occur at the same time as the symptoms of diabetes, but most appear after the symptoms of diabetes. 2. Diabetic neuropathy In th

Diabetes | 7 items that diabetic patients must pay attention to

Diabetes is a common disease that we usually have. Nowadays, many people suffer from diabetes. What matters should patients with diabetes pay attention to in daily life? What are the reasons for the onset of diabetes? Does diabetes affect our body What are the hazards? Diabetes considerations 1. Three meals should be regular Many diabetics believe that eating less staple foods can prevent blood sugar from rising. But this is not only prone to hypoglycemia, but also promotes the excessive decomposition of body fat and protein, causing weight loss, malnutrition, and even starvation ketosis. Therefore, eat three meals regularly. 2. Limit fat intake Diabetes itself is a disorder of sugar, fat, and protein metabolism caused by absolute or relative lack of insulin secretion. And because diabetes is easy to merge with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly limit the intake of fatty and high-cholesterol foods such as animal offal

Sudden death | Pinduoduo's attitude towards sudden death

Pinduoduo suspected that it was deleted after responding to "Sudden Employee Death". Pinduoduo is also known as the screenshot system, do you believe it? Know the official response: "Pinduoduo" is a registered user of Zhihu, whose identity is true and correct. Zhihu has a strict identity authentication process and mechanism. At 8:19:49 on the 4th, "Pinduoduo" created an answer, "Look at the people at the bottom. Which one is not a matter of life for money? I never thought it was a problem of capital, but a problem of society. At this age, you can choose the days of ease, but you have to choose the consequences of ease. People can control their own efforts, and we can all." At 8:20:17 on the 4th, "Pinduoduo" deleted the above answer by itself.

Fitness | Winter indoor fitness considerations

It's winter, but do you know how people who choose to exercise in winter should protect their health? Let’s take a look at the precautions for winter fitness today. 1. Keep warm Even indoor fitness in winter, you must pay attention to keeping warm. If you sweat too much and the indoor temperature is too low, it may cause colds and other diseases, which is bad for fitness, bad for muscles, and even worse for health. Therefore, when exercising, turn on the air conditioner to a suitable temperature. 2. Sports protection In winter, people’s muscles are easily affected by temperature and can cause strains or cramps, so you must remember to protect yourself during exercise. It is recommended that you use small tools, including knee pads and wrist guards. And various protection measures tools. 3. Don't be able Winter sports cannot be achieved. If you exercise too much and you do not have the body temperature to return to normal body temperature, you will go out of the room. At this ti

Diabete | How to do fitness training for people with diabetes

The role of brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and other aerobic exercises in controlling blood sugar has long been recognized by everyone. With the deepening of research on strength training, more and more scholars have realized its multi-faceted benefits for diabetic patients and compared it with the effects of aerobic exercise . A comprehensive study of many years has found that strength training can reduce the glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) of diabetic patients by about 0.6%, and a series of studies in the United Kingdom have confirmed that for every 1% drop in HbA1c, diabetes-related mortality can be reduced by 21%; the incidence of myocardial infarction It will drop by 14%; the incidence of stroke will drop by 12%; the incidence of microvascular disease will drop by 37%; the rate of cataract extraction will drop by 19%; the amputation or mortality caused by the peripheral vascular disease will drop by 43%; the incidence of heart failure will drop by 16%. The American Academy of Sp

Hypertension | 5 performance hints that the blood pressure problem may be more serious

There are 5 manifestations of hypertension patients, indicating that the blood pressure problem may be more serious, pay attention to it in time. Hypertension has always been a problem of great concern to people. It poses a great threat to our health. Simple emotional changes may cause blood pressure to rise and cause various discomforts. In normal times, we must do a good job of corresponding preventive work, and we can take corresponding measures in time if problems arise. What kind of symptoms does the body show that indicate that high blood pressure is already serious? 1. Dizziness and tinnitus If hypertensive patients often have dizziness and tinnitus, they should pay more attention. At this time, the situation is already very serious. Generally, most hypertensive patients will have dizziness, mainly because the blood pressure has not dropped for a long time, which causes the brain to not get enough blood, resulting in dizziness. And high blood pressure will also have a certain im