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Childhood obesity | How to treat childhood obesity

Obesity treatment There are many ways to treat obesity. Some people choose to go on a diet to lose weight, some people use drugs for treatment, and some people choose to treat obesity through exercise. But for children, are those methods of treating obesity also applicable? How should childhood obesity be treated? The treatment of obesity in children is different from that of adults. Because it is in the stage of physical development, any excessive treatment method will hurt the healthy development of children. Also, children cannot cooperate with doctors as well as adults, which brings certain difficulties to the implementation of the treatment plan. Children and adolescents choose sports during their vacations to suit their physical conditions and their interests and hobbies. However, it is worth noting that exercise must have a certain intensity to achieve the purpose of burning calories and fat, preferably aerobic exercise that sweats and feels accelerated heartbeat. Those who main

Childhood obesity | How to prevent obesity

Children suffering from obesity will have a sense of inferiority for the children themselves. They feel that they are too obese and are unwilling to contact others too much. Some children are bullied and discriminated against by children of the same age because of obesity. For these phenomena, it is naturally uncomfortable for parents to see this phenomenon. If they do not want to see this phenomenon, what parents should do is to prevent children’s obesity early and take precautions to keep children away from obesity. So, how can obesity be prevented? The prevention of childhood obesity should start from the fetal period and take measures at the age when obesity is prone to occur (infancy, 5-8 years, adolescence), and the effect is better. Fetal period-prevention of fetal overweight During the fetal period, it is necessary to prevent the excessive birth weight of newborns. Pregnant women need to increase their nutrition during pregnancy, but it is not that the more nutritional intake t

Childhood obesity | Obesity diet guidelines

For children suffering from obesity, even if they are overweight, they should exercise more and not control their diet too strictly. For obese children, what foods to eat can not only supplement all the nutrients needed for physical development but also inhibit the occurrence of obesity? Experts point out that children with obesity can eat the following foods: Apples: Apples are a good helper for healthy weight loss. If you want to lose weight, hunger strikes are too drastic. You can use apples wisely. Eat with the skin as much as possible, 2-3 a day, because apple skin is rich in dietary fiber. Chili:  What is good for children with obesity? In addition to nutrients, hot peppers also contain capsaicin, which can promote lipid metabolism and inhibit fat accumulation in the body, and proper eating can help lose weight. Therefore, pepper is also one of the treatments of foods for obesity in children. Winter melon: Winter melon contains fewer calories than other vegetables. It also helps

Obesity | What are the most common causes of childhood obesity?

Obesity is a disease that spreads around the world. Not only do adults eat themselves into balls, but obesity in children is gradually increasing. Many parents think that if children get fatter, it’s okay. Obesity means good growth, but raising children is not raising pigs. It is not that the fatter the better. Obesity will not only damage the child’s physical and mental health but also cause diabetes and high growth after growing up. Chronic diseases such as blood pressure. What are the causes of obesity in children? 1. Inheritance:  Obesity can be inherited. The phenomenon of multiple obesity in one family indicates that obesity has family aggregation. If the parents are obese, the child’s chances of developing obesity symptoms are as high as 70% to 80%. If one of the parents is fat, then 40% to 50% of the child will become fat. 2. Weight at birth:   If the mother eats too much during pregnancy, causing the fetus to grow very large in the body, it will cause the child’s fat cells to

Obesity | What to do with childhood obesity

What to do with childhood obesity? At present, more and more obese children are becoming obese. Most of the fat children are formed because of uncontrolled diet, eating too many sweets, greasy, salty, high-calorie, high-fat, and smoked foods. Parents must not blindly choose weight loss methods for their children, and choose weight loss methods according to the reasons for their children’s obesity. For obese children with an over-nutrient diet, the general way to lose weight is to control the amount of diet plus exercise to control weight gain. In terms of diet, some children are obese caused of poor eating habits, such as skipping breakfast, eating rich dinners and eating midnight snacks, eating while playing, and eating snacks before meals. First of all , you can't lose weight blindly, which means you must first determine whether your child is really obese. Only more than 20% of the standard height and weight is considered fat, and more than 50% are severely obese, and it is neces

Obesity in children is more harmful

1. Affecting growth and development Children are in the most vigorous period of growth and development.  The bone path contains a large proportion of organic matter, and it is easy to bend and deform under force. Obese children who have too much weight will increase the burden on the lower limbs, especially the supporting joints of the lower limbs. Long-term overload of the lower limbs can easily cause arched legs and flat feet. 2. Influencing the development of intelligence.  Experiments by medical experts have proved that the excessive amount of fat in the brain tissue is easy to form an "obese brain". "Obese brain" has slow thinking and poor memory, which will seriously affect the development of children's intelligence. As children are obese and their body surface area increases, the blood is insufficiently oxygenated and the brain is often in a state of hypoxia. Obese children are often sleepy and often have difficulty concentrating in class. Children with s

Obesity hypertension | Why does diabetes cause high blood pressure(3)

What is the harm of diabetes and hypertension? Diabetes and hypertension are very harmful to the body. For example, diabetes often accompanies fundus neuropathy, arteriosclerosis, and heart, brain, and kidney damage, and hypertension is also closely related to these pathologies; diabetic hypertension patients are twice as likely to develop vascular damage and sclerosis as patients with simple hypertension, and cardiovascular disease It is also a risk factor for myocardial infarction and stroke.