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Diabetes|Foot care for diabetics

One of the problems with diabetes is that when there is a wound on the body, it doesn't heal easily. If this wound occurs on the foot and is not treated in time, the wound becomes infected or expands, it is diabetic foot. In most cases, diabetic foot is formed in this way. Of course, there are other conditions, such as toe vascular embolism, which are relatively easy to find due to the severity of the disease. What happens if diabetic foot forms and is not treated effectively? The obvious thing to think about is amputation, making life difficult. In fact, due to the patient makes every effort to save the limb, long-term deferment not infected necrotic tissue constantly release toxins, seriously affecting the heart, liver and kidney function, leading to these organs function failure, such as urine protein increased, insufficient liver albumin synthesis and cardiac function, and sudden death, such as can not get proper treatment, patients can survive an average of about 2 years. Ther

Diabetes prevention is better than cure!

November 14 is the United Nations Diabetes Day. This year's theme is "Diabetes Education and Prevention" and the slogan is "Protecting our future".Diabetes is a recognized enemy of health. Long-term hyperglycemia will damage multiple organs throughout the body, leading to dysfunction or failure, such as myocardial infarction (coronary heart disease), stroke, blindness, renal failure, etc. At present, our country has become the country with the largest number of diabetes patients in the world, with the total number of patients approaching 100 million and the prevalence rate as high as 9.7%. Therefore, the prevention and treatment of diabetes are of great urgency. People with pre-diabetes - not to be ignored. Looking at the course of disease development of patients with diabetes, to improve the quality of life and longer life expectancy, the significance of diabetes prevention is far more than treatment. Nearly 100 million people in other countries have been diagn

Hypertension | Which high blood pressure does not take medicine first

Many hypertensive patients are in the check-up, or when treating another disease, discover blood pressure by chance abnormal. After diagnosis, they often want to start medication immediately for fear that their condition will lead to serious cardiovascular problems. In fact, some high blood pressure actually need not rush to take antihypertensive medicine. First of all, the patient needs to make it clear that he or she meets three conditions. Only a slight increase in blood pressure (140/90 MMHG ≤ actual blood pressure < 160/100 MMHG) was detected for the first time. There are less than 2 risk factors, specifically: male > is 55 years old, female > is 65 years old; Smoking or passive smoking; Impaired glucose tolerance (often prediabetes); Dyslipidemia; A family history of early cardiovascular disease; Central obesity (abdominal fullness). The following complications did not occur: ultrasonography showed left ventricular hypertrophy; Carotid atherosclerotic plaque; Increased m

Obesity | Obese people should be on guard for high blood pressure!

Mr. Li, 28, suffered from high blood pressure for years, but it was not taken seriously, so much so that he suffered from cerebral hemorrhage due to high blood pressure. As his weight soared to 175 kilograms, his blood pressure often exceeded 200 MMHG. Not long ago, Mr. Li underwent surgery to reduce his weight. Strangely, his blood pressure was close to normal by the time he left the hospital. Did metabolic surgery cure hypertension unexpectedly?! 1.blood pressure returned to normal in 70% of patients. Obesity is often accompanied by metabolic syndrome, which includes hypertension. In 1995 Pories, an American doctor discovered that patients who had weight-loss surgery were also cured of diabetes. Later gradually found that weight loss surgery is not only effective for diabetes, but obesity combined with polycystic ovary syndrome, sleep apnea, and hypertension also have a significant therapeutic effect. The study reported that more than 70% of obese patients with high blood pressure we

Hypertension | You can keep your blood pressure stable by eating these kinds of things

  Don’t take medicine stupidly for high blood pressure. You can keep your blood pressure stable by eating these kinds of things Hypertension has a nickname "Silent Killer", so why is it called that? There are about 1.4 billion hypertensive patients in the world, and there are about 300 million hypertensive patients in my country alone. Almost one in four Chinese people have hypertension. But even so, the number of patients suffering from hypertension in my country is still on the rise. From the elderly to the infants, to countless young and middle-aged people, are suffering from hypertension. In fact, for both men and women, young and old, hypertension is already pervasive. No age group or group is immune to the large number of people affected. With so many hypertensive patients in the world, tens of millions of people die every year from the complications caused by hypertension. Among the common complications of hypertension, the most common ones are coronary heart disease,

High blood pressure | Is hypertension serious after all?

High blood pressure without symptoms is even scarier! In recent years, the incidence of high blood pressure has increased so much that it can be said that high blood pressure is a very common problem that we often see in our daily life. And because hypertension is becoming more common, many people are starting to ask the question: Is high blood pressure serious or not? Although high blood pressure has become a very common problem now, it does not mean that it is not serious. High blood pressure is also called a "silent disease" and "invisible killer". Its horror lies not in its own symptoms, but in the series of complications caused by it. What's really scary about high blood pressure is that it can literally ravage your body and damage your heart without you even realizing it. In another country, 265 million people suffer from hypertension, and the incidence of hypertension among people over the age of 18 is as high as 25.3 percent. And according to the statis

Hypertension continues to rise, will walk on 3 "no return road"!Be prepared!

  High blood pressure is an invisible bomb buried in the body, and sustained high blood pressure is the trigger, causing varying degrees of damage to the brain, heart, and arteries, and even the loss of precious lives due to heart failure. Patients with high blood pressure, if left alone, often bring three harms. Which 3 paths of no return can persistent blood pressure increase walk on? 1. Cerebral hemorrhage. Cerebral hemorrhage is a common and critical complication of hypertension, which can lead to death without timely treatment. Persistent high blood pressure can act directly on small artery vessels in the brain, easy to cause micro-aneurysms, but also damage the intima, make fat deposition, reduce vascular elasticity, thereby leading to cerebral arteriosclerosis or stenosis or blockage, vascular wall gradually fragile. Blood pressure fluctuation is too large, the body is overtired, the body is in a tight state for a long time, forced defecation, improper use of antihypertensive dr